Privacy, Technology, FOSS

I want to remove all proprietary software from my life.

Linux[Arch on Desktop, Debian in Homelab] and GrapheneOS User

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Ok, no Problem, i understand you. I did not want to create pressure, i just wanted to know if you are still wanting to open source it. I really like the App and i will definitely use it once it is Open Source. I for myself set the Goal to not use proprietary Software anymore. This does not mean i dont trust you, its just my philosophy to try to not use anything closed source. Thank you for taking the time to reply! (:

  • Open Source is not just for people that know how to code. If the project is a bigger project other people review the code and point things out that are wrong. So everybody is profiting from Open Source Project not just people that understand and read the code. I for example can code in java, kotlin and dart. So i can look at android apps and know if i can trust them. If i see something suspicious i would point it out. But i dont know Rust for example. But someone else does and points out if something is wrong. Thats the beauty of Open Source Software.