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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 15th, 2023

  • Also, having been on the other side of such a situation: it’s not cool to pressure or guilt trip your guests. Either be hospitable and let them do whatever they want, or don’t invite them.

    If people aren’t hungry, then they aren’t hungry. Maybe they are on a diet, maybe they misunderstood OP’s intention and ate beforehand. Maybe they are recovering from something and don’t want to eat too much.

    And as for the two that did not showed up. It’s a good practice to reconfirm the night before. Sometimes people forget. Sometimes life gets in the way.

    If they did reconfirm and still didn’t show up and did not have a good excuse, then I would start looking for better friends.

    Hope OP has better success next time. I do understand that the situation sucks.

    But it’s also a situation that, in my opinion, is preventable.

  • To be fair, it’s a flawed argument.

    You can be against Google and Apple and still use a smartphone.

    You can be against a genocide being sponsored with your tax dollars and still work and pay tax.

    And yes, you can use the healthcare system that exists today and still want a different one tomorrow.

    Or do you think that advocates of universal healthcare are also hypocrites for using Obamacare?

  • The top 10% of income is not upper class. The error that people make, including you, is to focus on income.

    People like Elon Musk have incomes smaller than $100K.

    Upper class are the people who do not need to work and who live off of capital.

    We need to shift our focus on wealth equality.

    Look, the economy needs capital. If we want to be less dependent on the capital of rich people, then middle class people need to take over that role.

    The people making $100-300K per year are key, because they can provide an alternative source of capital if their tax burden is lowered.

    The people making $50K will not be able to provide large amounts of capital.

  • Which is why the tax system needs to be reformed.

    The political right actually has one good point that we on the left don’t always appreciate: taxes on middle class people should be lower.

    Specifically, very liberal tax exemptions on things like 401Ks, including the ability to transfer wealth across generations.

    Combine that with higher taxes on the wealthy, and it will be possible to shift power to the middle class.

    Consider the total market cap of the S&P 500, rounded up it’s about 50 trillion. Divide that among 130 million households and each household should own about $400K in stock on average.

    Full equality is neither achievable nor desired by most people, so a good scheme would be to let every household hold up to $1M in wealth, tax exempt.

    And then progressively tax everything above that.

  • While I do agree with you, I also see twitch, TikTok and Patreon presenting models that are quite competitive with YouTube.

    From a privacy perspective, free junk content like TikTok, YouTube and twitch will always be hard coupled with targeted advertising.

    But Patreon (and onlyfans for that matter) do offer a model that can work without ads.

    In fact, if Patreon also introduced an ad-supported tier and allowed you to more broadly see other content aside from the direct person you sponsor, it could probably grow quite a lot.