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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • There are a few advantages

    • you can use the latest and greatest upstream versions (even versions under active development)
    • you can let the compiler optimize for your system (especially useful with PGO, but honestly only worth it for a few applications, e.g. video encoders)
    • you have full flexibility over optional features

    And it’s a good learning experience, sooner or later things won’t just work and you have to learn about compilers, linkers, various build systems and script languages etc.

    But yeah, for most people it’s not worth the effort

  • I’m not really a “party rpg” player, and “tactics” is a foreign word to me, so I have just downgraded to the Explorer difficulty after wasting a couple of hours on the defend the grove quest.

    I’m sure I’m missing a lot of things but the RNG does sometimes feel quite annoying. When I lucked out on enemies positioning themselves near explody barrels the pesky spiders crit-hit me to death, other times the suicide bombers just ran past the barrels or were to spread out to get them all.

    Maybe I’ll turn it back up later, or in a second playthrough, but for now I’m having more fun with the easier option. And I would recommend that to everyone who feels frustrated. The game is definitely worth it, even if it’s not my usual cup of tea

  • Yeah, if they add even just somewhat decent story content they’ll get me to spend money on the seasons too. Don’t quite remember what put me off from trying D3, but D4 got a lot of praise for its story and atmosphere so I decided to give it a try, even if it was relativly pricy. And despite occasional server hiccups I haven’t regretted that decision

    It doesn’t really make sense, but going to nightmare dungeons to grind so “numbers go up” doesn’t really motivate me as much as a little blue exclamation mark and a nice voice over telling me to go to place X and kill monsters Y

    I can see why forced restarts put some people off, but for me I guess it’l be a good thing. I’d be tempted to continue my current char otherwise, but a fresh start will mix things up and force me to try a different play style, thus keep things interresting for longer