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Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • cars gotta get married to a motorcycle, have a couple of kids, and start going to church. it can screw around with other cars when it goes out of town on business, but that’s it. no matter how sexy the truck across the street is, you can’t give in. just think of what the scandal would do to your family. so what if the truck sits in the driveway with its hood up all day? there’s nothing wrong with appreciating a good engine. every car does that. oh my, is that a V6? no… it’s a V8. praise god. you’ve had an inline-4 before, and that was fun. can you even imagine being with a V8? could you even handle one? oooh, what are you doing? why’d you have to stray from 2-strokes? ever since that time in San Francisco, you’ve been obsessed with 4-strokes. more and more, you’re driving is erratic. at this rate, an accident is a guarantee, if you don’t straighten your life out. but… 32 valves, 8 cylinders, 5 liters, and two 4" exhausts. are you so weak? what about your motorcycle, your kids? oh, sure, the kids are almost out of high school, and once they’re off to college… well, you’ve done your duty to them, right? and what then? can you really be expected to spend the rest of your days with the motorcycle? no. no way. and, anyway, they’ll probably understand. maybe you two can even be friends. after all, you are friends… right? after all these years, you are at least that… so, it’s settled. two more years. the trikes will both be off, and you’ll be hopping on 8 cylinders of pure american muscle. oh, the waiting is torture! but, nothing can be done but wait. now, shape up, snap out of it, and be careful, or you may never drive straight again!

  • i am going to tell you some universal truths.

    1. first truth: you will not fully understand these truths. though i list them here clearly, you will still learn them the hard way.

    2. do not compare yourself to others. regardless of how you measure their success, you will find only a brief moment of satisfaction upon outdoing them, followed swiftly by regret, insecurity, and, not long after that, emotional crisis.

    3. financial and professional success are antithetical to happiness and fulfillment at least as often as they aren’t.

    4. you can only ever know yourself. everyone’s life is a series of choices. only you can know what choices are the right ones for you. you cannot know anyone else’s choices. you cannot know if anyone else is making the right or wrong choices. you cannot know what motivates others. your dataset for anyone else is so incomplete as to prevent the drawing of any good conclusions. no good reason to compare yourself to anyone. but when you do, there’s no good reason to feel bad about it, or good about it, and certainly no good reason to feel bad instead of good.

    5. what follows is a cliche, but it is not a cliche: your life begins now, and now, and now. you can only do something now. not back then and not in a bit. now. really understand this. if you’re not happy now, it’s because you keep doing things that make you unhappy. now, if you’re not happy now, it’s because you’re still not doing anything to make yourself happy. what are you doing to make yourself unhappy?

    6. you’re making yourself unhappy. it’s not them making you unhappy. they might be doing things you’re not happy with, but you’re the one doing unhappiness. now, if you want to bank all your happiness and fulfillment on outdoing these people, that’s fine, but it’s going to be awhile. years, decades, you’re entire life, perhaps. but, don’t forget number 2: happiness can’t be found on this route. i wonder what it would look like, what choices you’d have to make, to be happy, and much sooner?

    let me know how it goes. also, apologies for the length. it’s all stream of consciousness and i’m to lazy to edit.

    homework: read The Tao of Pooh
