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Cake day: July 7th, 2023

  • It feels like you didn’t quite understand… If you’ve ever read an AI essay, you can see some of the way they currently write. When you see facts and figures thrown in from the internet in terms of what the company does and they sound… Artificial… It’s rather obvious that it was AI written. I’m currently getting AI spam and it’s also quite easy to see and detect. It’s the same thing.

    Someone used an AI tool to write a cover letter and sent it to me. I’ve seen this a few times. It seems very obvious when you come across it.

    I’m sure it’ll get better in the future, but right now it needs massaging in order to sound real. There’s a very obvious uncanny valley that exists with some AI writing. That’s what I’m talking about.

  • That’s an interesting read, but I think it misses a point of where that 25% GDP is really coming from. The US makes 25% of the GDP because they outsource. To use other country’s labor, other countries people, other other people’s brains, and they take a huge chunk of profit from it. They then claim that’s their GDP.

    America is a very efficient country, with a lot of skilled workers creating a lot of cool products and stuff, but it’s not 5x other countries. The only way to get those numbers is by leveraging the work of other people and claiming it for yourself.

  • But the reality is managers want to pick who gets laid off. It’s not that they want to just cut heads and reduce costs… upper management. may want that… but the actual managers want to keep their best and brightest. They know who the people are who get shit done, and they want to keep those people. Rto tends to have the opposite effect.

    The reality is it is often the best employees, the most experienced employees, and some very high level employees who have the most confidence and are most willing to say " screw you, I know I can find a job somewhere else" And give the middle finger to the employer who’s trying to do an RTO plan.

    Don’t be fooled by the headlines. Real businesses want to control who they let go. They want to have all the power in the relationship. They want to cut their lower performers and keep their superstars. RTO is about the worst head cutting program you could dream up.

  • This is so weird. Why would they not just pay their drivers more. Add it directly to the cost of doing business. What’s the issue?

    It’s like making a minimum wage for all fast food employees. All fast food establishments now have higher wage costs. So what? The cost of a hamburger goes up $0.50. All your competitors now have the same costs. How does this change anything for you? Versus going out of business?

    Think about if only Uber left. That’s a lot of extra business for Lyft. What’s the big deal? Hm… maybe they have to cover the salary even if the driver doesn’t accept any rides? Maybe that’s the real issue. How do you guarantee drivers are busy and not just signing in and doing nothing and canceling offered rides? That still doesn’t seem that hard to fix.

  • Look that’s nice and all, but it’s not going away and it’s only going to get worse. The age of fake AI porn is only beginning. Full-on porn videos where you can take a couple of photos of someone and the AI will build a model of the person and insert them into the porn video is coming. Whether this is done for laughs, from embarrassment, or because it’s sexy doesn’t matter.

    This genie is not going back in the bottle. This is only the tip of the iceberg. We are moving towards an age where you will be able to have virtual sex with anyone you want as long as you have a picture or video of them. VR sex and a porn game that can map someone into a character isn’t that far away. It really doesn’t harm anyone if we quit being such prudes.