• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • I wasn’t saying the latter but that’s an interesting idea. Not the former per se- the cis heteronormative gender and sexuality binary is bullshit and only exists bc religion (capitalism… moar serfs in fields) and generations of fear. There’s tons of fluidity in earlier civilizations and more in nature.

    I’d just like to hear some comments from all the downvoters. Odd thing to get so defensive about Lemmy

  • Fuck. Everytime a comment persuades me, the next does it again. Good call on red, hadn’t thought about it that way. English was totally that, stories. I thought math was blue bc they are my favorites respective to their categories but you make a good point. I’m only cold and calculating apx 30% of the time.