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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 23rd, 2023


  • The rich have you figured out and are playing you like a fiddle.

    What do you not understand here?

    Voting isn’t magic, stop treating it like so.

    It’s incredibly simple. You do not understand even the basic definition of democracy.

    It objectively is:

    Not if you vote for them and gather support instead of whining like a baby.

    No they cannot. The spoiler effect is an inherent problem to our electoral system. You cannot just magic away systemic problems.

    Then change it, get over yourself. I am helping fix this problem by voting against it, you are not, very simple.

  • Belittling people is rarely a good dialectical tactic, and speaks to your own level of maturity.

    Only in response to their claims, I am not “belittling” them, they made those statements themselves that they consent to “corporate facism”, I do not.

    If this is the type of discourse employed by green party supporters and campaign volunteers, I’ll be staying away.

    That’s fine, I’m targeting non-voters.

    Based on what I’ve seen of your post history here, you’re a combative ideologue who’s not interested in building anything other than ill-will, with seemingly zero desire to talk about anything that doesn’t give you an opportunity to aggressively proselytize.

    That is necessary considering how heavy handed pro-capitalist propaganda is. What would you like to discuss?

    You seem to turn every conversation you have into an abrasive display of your moral superiority, repeating the same talking points ad nauseum while abandoning any points that shift out of your favor.

    The truth is hard to accept, and I am not ashamed of being against fascist corporate control of our economy, regardless of how hard you try to make me conceed that. Now provide an example of me abandoing any point that has been “out of my favor”.

    Perhaps you hope that you can activate non-voters with your accusatory, venomous, divisive rhetoric, but I struggle to see how that strategy will be beneficial should a Green candidate make it to the Presidency.

    https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2023/07/12/voter-turnout-2018-2022/ There is plenty, in fact it is often a majority.

    Coalition building with the Democratic party will absolutely be necessary to get Green legislation through congress early on; It seems short-sighted to belittle and alienate those who vote closest to your interests on the political spectrum by equating them with those who vote furthest from your interests. Ideals are important, but game theory underpins all political action and must be considered.

    The Democratic party will not be there to offer a coalition. They spend millions trying to prevent Greens from even being on the ballot. Your “game theory” is wrong considering you used nonfactual inputs. The only path towards progress is rejecting all pro-capitalist actors, which will more than make up for it with support from the poor working class.

    Further, RCV does not require the Green party to be implemented. Many states have been experimenting with RCV (and other alternative voting systems) without leadership from the Green party (source). That trend has been picking up steam across the nation.

    Gaslighting at it finest, I never claimed the Green party was necessary for RCV to be implemented, only the Democrats will fight against it since it hurts their chances against third parties. The trend has been by ballot initiatives, not Democratic legislation.

  • Voting for a politician is not an open agreement with every action they take. I didn’t vote for billions to go to war manufacturers.

    You literally did, and are planning to in November.

    I voted against Trump.

    Same here, by voting for the green party.

    Thus splitting the vote and landing us in Gilead, no thanks. I don’t want to get killed by the state for being LGBTQ+

    Nope. Most green voters I’ve convinced have been non-voters. They are the biggest voting block.

    That’s kind of a big point of being in a democratic society - we are all, every one of us, responsible for the actions of our government.

    They just described why I vote green party.

    And if you don’t like that responsibility, I get it, I totally sympathize, because I agree. I hate that responsibility, especially cause I know damn well I’m not qualified to make those decisions. But I still am responsible, and pretending I’m not doesn’t change that.

    Yes, that’s why we’re responsible for building a better party, very simple to understand.

    So bullshit. I’m assuming you voted 3rd party in 2016. You chose to vote in a way that had no chance of having any effect to stave off Trump. So you are complicit in Trump. You consented to Trump. And thanks to people like you, we are now losing abortion access. The SCOTUS is now openly debating if a president can have political opponents killed. The road of fascism we are heading down is directly a result of people limply throwing pissing their vote into the wind.

    I’m proud I did not consent to Trump or Clinton in 2016, you did. Green have a chance because Dems and Republicans are terrible. You’re just a scared, disenfranchised little child that can’t make your own decisions. I am responsible for improving my government, which is why I’m building a better option in the Green party. You do nothing but whine and submit to fascism, pathetic.

  • They are openly debating if the president can have political opponents killed. Quit living under a rock.

    Hilarious. The rich have you figured out and are playing you like a fiddle.

    No shit.

    But I am not an imbecile who thinks they can magic away the spoiler effect. That’s you.

    The literal only way is voting, it’s so simple it’s hilarious.

    Voting third party is equal to choosing the second option.


    Get a grip. You’ve done no better to get RCV implemented. Your votes get you nothing, because you vote for candidates that mathematically cannot win thanks to the inherent biases of FPTP voting.

    LOL so people who had power and proved to you they will do nothing to get RCV passed. Greens can mathematically win, you just vote for them.

    And RCV isn’t even that good of an option. STAR and approval are superior.

    Yes the Dems will surely do this for you LOL

    ty to make a sensible sentence.

  • The request was for “not bottom of the barrel”, not perfect. If you’re looking for a perfect politician, you’ve defined an impossible task.

    We have different standards. I couldn’t live with myself voting for billions to Raytheon and Boeing like you do.

    No. I vote against the worst, the party openly embracing fascism.

    You could do that without voting for “corporate run dystopia” by voting green party.

    I’d rather consent to corporate run dystopia than fascism.

    I’m consenting to neither.

    Meanwhile you’re consenting to fascism with your choice to throw away your vote. You do not have the high ground here.

    Nope. You just admitted that you are. This is how voting works lmao. I’m literally not by casting a vote against it, and you are.

  • Because it took them time to rig the SCOTUS.

    Exactly what law do you expect them to pass? This is all Dems fault for being so garbage that Republicans even have a chance.

    Yeah, a party that has won exactly zero presidential elections what a party you’ve built. How proud you must be.

    You have to vote for them to win dumbass.

    A man abducts you and gives you to choices: Have sex with him “willingly” He kills you, and has sex with your corpse Choosing the first option in no way is consensual.

    You are truly deranged. In this comparison you could choose neither and vote green party.

    Factually incorrect.

    Biden supports RCV? Which Dem?

  • I’d rather keep my right to vote, which is under threat thanks to the likes of Trump.

    Why didn’t Trump use these magical powers he supposedly has to take away our right to vote?

    Not seeing anything you’ve built. All I see is you complaining about Biden and Trump.

    https://www.gp.org/ Where is yours? What have you done to oppose the rich controlling our government? You consent to it.

    If you want better, we need electoral reform. Our current system is mathematically biased against third parties.

    Yes, that’s why I vote for candidates that support ranked choice voting.

    You vote for candidates that oppose ranked choice voting.

    See how you have no solutions here?