There’s an earlier bit that complements that nicely:
“it turns out that the core competency of smiling and promising people things that you can’t actually deliver is highly transferable.”
There’s an earlier bit that complements that nicely:
“it turns out that the core competency of smiling and promising people things that you can’t actually deliver is highly transferable.”
what the fuck are you gonna do the first time something makes it up the stairs? I hope you have a flamethrower ready.
First guy looks like hes from Silent Hil 2
It’s one of those cruel ironic twists. Wages actually have increased, but inflation has far outpaced them.
It’s only barely begun to level back out. The real question is if the wages will stay high once inflation (and greedflation) calms the fuck down.
haha no source, just a dumb joke.
Japan: Checkmate
:: Reveals 10X more laws regulating game consoles ::
Not shown: He’s already started to burrow with his feet.
yup, but that answer was based entirely on the assumptions present in the question. D is all divisible work, and C is everything else, because that’s literally all you can assume to make the math work. D has to therefore be 12 months worth of divisible work minus C. C could very well be 12 months of work, meaning D is zero and adding more workers won’t matter.
Well, if T is total time to build, D is the time that can be distributed equally among any number of workers, and C is constant, indivisible time extra time that goes along with construction, and X is the number of workers, then:
T - C = D / X
so, since T is 12 and 6 is half of 12, then:
T/2 - C = D/X * 1/2
T/2 - C = D/2X where X > 0, C = 0, T=12, and D = (T - C) / X
which is both the answer it’s looking for (twice as many workers) and the correct answer (it depends on at least two things we don’t know), while assuming what they’re assuming, which is C = 0
(Stupid ass junior high math problems piss me off, junior high is a traumatic experience)
They’re probably all too busy working on Half Life 3
I know, I know, it’s pronounced “Nyïmp”
Full name is GNUIMP anyway
“granodiorite” sounds exactly the kind of name someone who doesn’t want to admit it’s just granite would make up.
In the U.S., you can build rockets all day long, they cannot be guided.
You’d have to convince the feds it was never designed to be a weapon. Good luck with that.
Texas has elected judges, and we’ll, I’ll let you decide how that’s gone.
Having played the absolute shit out of all of them at launch, including the non canon ones, Fallout 2 is my favorite, followed by New Vegas and 76. 4 was fun, but I spent more time building bases in 4 than I did in the story.
I’ve probably put more hours in 76 (since beta) than 4 at this point, specifically because it’s multiplayer, and Im pretty sure I had at least 400 hours in four.
Heh, eating isn’t the only time they have to worry about protein absorption.