Most likely, a Hetzner storage box is going to be so slow you will regret it. I would just bite the bullet and upgrade the storage on Contabo.
Storage in the cloud is expensive, there’s just no way around it.
Most likely, a Hetzner storage box is going to be so slow you will regret it. I would just bite the bullet and upgrade the storage on Contabo.
Storage in the cloud is expensive, there’s just no way around it.
There was a good blog post about the real cost of storage, but I can’t find it now.
The gist was that to store 1TB of data somewhat reliably, you probably need at least:
Which amounts to something like 6TB of disk for 1TB of actual data. In real life you’d probably use some other level of RAID, at least for larger amounts so it’s perhaps not as harsh, and compression can reduce the required backup space too.
I have around 130G of data in Nextcloud, and the off-site borg repo for it is about 180G. Then there’s local backups on a mirrored HDD, with the ZFS snapshots that are not yet pruned that’s maybe 200G of raw disk space. So 130G becomes 510G in my setup.
I have a feeling you are overthinking the Matrix key system.
Basically it’s just another password, just one you probably can’t remember.
Most of the client apps support verifying a new session by scanning a QR code or by comparing emoji. The UX of these could be better (I can never find the emoji option on Element, but it’s there…). So if you have your phone signed in, just verify the sessions with that. And it’s not like most people sign in on new devices all the time.
I’d give Matrix a new look if I were you.
Wireguard runs over UDP, the port is undistinguishable from closed ports for most common port scanning bots. Changing the port will obfuscate the traffic a bit. Even if someone manages to guess the port, they’ll still need to use the right key, otherwise the response is like from a wrong port - no response. Your ISP can still see that it’s Wireguard traffic if they happen to be looking, but can’t decipher the contents.
I would drop containers from the equation and just run Wireguard on the host. When issues arise, you’ll have a hard time identifying the problem when container networking is in the mix.
You install the Google services and Play store from the gOS Apps application, then use them like normal.
Behind the scenes they run in the sandboxed environment, but to the user it makes no difference.
resolvectl flush-caches
just in caseLook at resolvectl dns
to check there’s no DHCP-acquired DNS servers set anymore
If you use a VPN, those often set their own DNS servers too, remember to check it as well.
Viestit on kyllä Whatsappissa salattuja, totta. Salausavaimet eivät vain ole käyttäjien hallinnassa, vaan Metan palvelimilla, joten halutessaan Meta saa kyllä viestien sisällönkin purettua.
Voin toki olla väärässäkin.
Ja eihän WA oikeastaan ole e2e, koska avaimet on Metan palvelimilla.
Se, että Meta pääsee viesteihin ei ole tuntunut hetkauttavan ketään.
Niin, tuohan ei ole mikään uusi juttu. Päinvastoin, päästä-päähän-salaus on se uusi juttu…
Mutta tämän asetuksen myötä viranomaiset saisivat suoraan pääsyn kaikkeen viestintään, ja kaikki viestit sitten joku tekoäly kahlaa myös läpi. Lähettää kuvan lapsista uimassa mummolle, niin kohta on virkavalta oven takana.
Ja noin 5 minuuttia käyttöönotosta takaportti on käytössä kaikilla jolla on varaa maksaa lahjuksia.
Vielä suurempi paskamyrsky tulee, kun joku kansanedustaja lähettää meemejä tai jopa jotain salaista Whatsapissa ja ne jotenkin päätyvät julkiseksi Venäjältä käsin.
Tässähän on se, että sitten ollaan ilmeisesti periaatteessa rikollisia kun käytetään takaportitonta viestisovellusta… Mutta en kyllä usko, että tuota lakia pystyy mitenkään valvomaan. Esim Matrix pyörii kuitenkin HTTPS:n alla, omien kotipalvelimien blokkaaminen olisi melkoinen operaatio.
Kaikista masentavinta koko jutussa on, että suurin osa ihmisistä ei tiedä tästä todella vakavasta yksityisyyden riiston riskistä yhtään mitään.
Kiitos paljon! Siellä oli tosiaan vain “undetermined” valittuna, aika vasta vaihdoin sen ja ymmärsin systeemin väärin. Jostain syystä kommentit ei enää näy minulle kirjautumisen jälkeen…
Mutta samaa mieltä, tämä on kaikin puolin ihan järjetön lakialoite. Jos menee läpi, niin on kyllä usko yhteiskuntaan aika vähissä. Käytännössähän tuo menisi varmaan niin että “rehellisten” ihmisten viestit sitten luetaan ja muiden tavara kulkee edelleen salattuna, kuten tähänkin asti.
Entäs pankkiviestintä, verohallinto, etälääkärijutut…?
Briteissähän meni vastaava laki jo läpi, tosin höllensivät sitä, kun Apple uhkasi blokata iMessagen koko saarivaltiolta.
Saapahan hyvän syyn painostaa perhe ja tutut käyttämään Matrixia, jos Whatsappiin tulee takaportti. Se, että Meta pääsee viesteihin ei ole tuntunut hetkauttavan ketään.
I run GrapheneOS too. Fortunately there are so few issues that I can just focus on using it, no need to engage the community around it.
Protonmail, but not really because of encryption. I just liked their Android client and webmail the most. I’ve had sensitive backups on Proton Drive for a long time, so that also played a role in the choice.
I hosted my own server for quite a few years, but the SMTP clients (Thunderbird, Evolution, K9 mail) all doing things slightly differently made me give up. Biggest push was that K9 mail didn’t really move deleted mail to trash. These were probably dovecot configuration issues, but I got tired of searching for solutions. Never had any deliverability issues.
I used to run everything with Pis, but then got a x86 USFF to improve Nextcloud performance.
With the energy price madness last year in Europe, I moved most things to cloud VPSs.
One Pi is still running Home Assistant, hooked to my heating/ventilation unit via RS485/modbus.
I had a ZFS backup server with 2 HDDs hooked up over USB to a Pi 8GB. That is just way too unreliable for anything serious, I think I now have a lot of corrupted files in the backups. Looking into getting some Synology unit for that.
For anything serious that requires file storage, I’d steer clear from USB or SD cards. After getting used to SATA performance, it’s hard to go back anyways. I’d really like to use the Pis, but family photo backups turning gray due to bitflips is unacceptable.
They are a great entrypoint to self-hosting and the Linux world though!
Perhaps I misunderstand the words “overlapping” and “hot-swappable” in this case, I’m not a native english speaker. To my knowledge they’re not the same thing.
In my opinion wanting to run an extra service as root to be able to e.g. serve a webapp on an unprivileged port is just strange. But I’ve been using Podman for quite some time. Using Docker after Podman is a real pain, I’ll give you that.
on surface they may look like they are overlapping solutions to the untrained eye.
You’ll need to elaborate on this, since AFAIK Podman is literally meant as a replacement for Docker. My untrained eye can’t see what your trained eye can see under the surface.
In my limited experience, when Podman seems more complicated than Docker, it’s because the Docker daemon runs as root and can by default do stuff Podman can’t without explicitly giving it permission to do so.
99% of the stuff self-hosters run on regular rootful Docker can run with no issues using rootless Podman.
Rootless Docker is an option, but my understanding is most people don’t bother with it. Whereas with Podman it’s the default.
Docker is good, Podman is good. It’s like comparing distros, different tools for roughly the same job.
Pods are a really powerful feature though.
Portability is the key for me, because I tend to switch things around a lot. Containers generally isolate the persistent data from the runtime really well.
Docker is not the only, or even the best way IMO to run containers. If I was providing services for customers, I would definetly build most container images daily in some automated way. Well, I do it already for quite a few.
The mess is only a mess if you don’t really understand what you’re doing, same goes for traditional services.