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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • This. Freebooting is a huge issue and Meta made it a big thing and profits from it.

    A video or image goes viral. Creator has it on a platform where they can monetise or benefit from the views. Some chucklefugg at a content network like ladbible takes it, strips watermarks and logos, posts it on their own Facebook page. Facebook makes money off the adverts on that page.

    Original creator is deprived of clicks, and likely revenue, dutifully completes a DMCA on their stolen content. Maybe a day or two later Meta takes it down. They don’t care, they still made money. Ladbible got a few thousand more subscribers to make impressions on their promoted posts, which nets then more money. The virality of the content has passed, the original creator doesn’t even get 1% of the same clicks and even less credit for their work.

    Now multiply the number of content networks by about 500. Some of whom are fully automated with no human intervention.

    This is not okay, and Meta should be held to task for creating a financial incentive for people to do this.

  • Do people read this headline and believe that this is a design flaw? That of all Teslas sold and driven anywhere in the entire world since they were first sold, none have ever been in rain?

    There was major flooding around where this Tesla was. Idiots obviously drove it in flood water or it got submerged while parked. This is an insurance problem, not a click bait “herrrr derrrr Elon so stupid” problem.

    And if they are stupid enough to not have had insurance on a brand new car, this is a “point and laugh at the idiot crying to the press” problem