I prefer my Nazis to be hiding in fear. Not making public pronouncements of support for the Nazi party. I will continue to drop services that endorse a political affiliation that doesn’t regard me as human.
I prefer my Nazis to be hiding in fear. Not making public pronouncements of support for the Nazi party. I will continue to drop services that endorse a political affiliation that doesn’t regard me as human.
Unfortunately the ones that kept their guns are more likely to form the private armies of billionaires and after work be part of their personal fellatio-slave harem than fight for the rights of their fellow humans.
Are we really just accelerating to full on dystopia at this point?
Just as credible as social media platforms claiming they protect free speech, or corporations that claim they care about anything other than shareholders profits. Or Trump claiming he doesn’t support project 2025.
I refuse to use Facebook even for Marketplace. I still have pretty good luck with Craigslist.
A better truism by someone actually wise is that there is no such thing as free speech and never will be.
There is only protected speech, unprotected speech, and speech nobody gives a fuck about. And what speech is protected or not depends on context.
Who knows. Could be 300%. In which case maybe it’s worth it. Lol.
They’re just trying to scare the Americans out of the office so they can replace them with cheaper H1Bs who won’t talk back.
That and my parents will likely be alive longer than me anyway.
Someone has to learn the government secrets so they can spill it to the revolutionaries later when they become disillusioned so they can build their own weapons.
Hi I’m new to Lemmy since Reddit decided to permaban me due to support I showed for Luigi. Good riddance to be honest. I should have fully quit when they shut down Apollo but didn’t know Lemmy existed.
They talking bout AIDs and Reagan hunty.