• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • First of I run linux on my personal machine.
    Second, I shut down my work machine at the end of the day and if there is an update - let it update. The result? Not a single problem with windows updates in years! Strange, I know.

    Sidenote: I always thought people were partially making fun of windows updates because you have to reboot all the time. I have to log out to switch from integrated to dedicated graphics in Linux and pretty much 90% of all updates require a reboot. And to conserve battery I have to shut down the laptop anyway, since hibernation is but a dream. But whatever, it’s not a competition.

  • Thank you! I thought was going nuts. It’s been such a long time since I had think about whether something is synced or a way to set it up. With OneDrive I could just grab the files I needed from the cloud and push them off the drive if I needed space. It really took away any hassle about sync.

    It really feels like moving to Linux is a step back 10 years when it comes to cloud storage.
    I also tried nextcloud but the smart / on-demand/ virtual file system is experimental in the Linux client and doesn’t work as seemlesly as OneDrive. Besides being turned off every time I restart.