Yunohost is, to me anyways, a good stepping stone in learning the hosting side of things. You can have something up and running while you learn the rest.
I don’t think you should feel bad about it, everyone needs some kind of “training wheels” or “guard rails” when they’re first getting in to any hobby.
I think of it in terms of my other hobbies, would I have started off in electronics repair if I had to fix a modern motherboard for my first project? Maybe, but I would have struggled mightily. Instead I started doing simpler circuits and worked my way up while learning theory and technique.
At my first job/internship it was fish names (they were dev/qa servers so wiped almost daily): Crappie, Bluegill, Walleye, Marlin, etc.
Current job is medical so it’s all professional (i.e gr01sec02, gr02sccm01)
At home I’ve got a couple of naming schemes for different device types.:
Phones: i-telleuwat(last 4 of the number)
PCs and Media centers: playon(last octet of the IP)
Servers:gimme(service thats hosted)