International Day of Happiness 🤣

    7 months ago

    /rant incoming.


    Glad to hear you’ve seen the light. Not being ironic here, all too few men get this. Complicated by the fact that for a very long time indeed (and still continues a bit) the ideal of ‘feminine’ beauty has been to appear as small, weak and fragile as possible for their body type. And hampered by constrictive clothing and stupid shoes. This includes highly invasive surgery and horribly restrictive lifestyles to appear smaller and skinnier than their natural body. Just glance at any high fashion magazine or look at any movie or tv show. Even the ‘strong’ women have to have at least something about them that screams “I can be victimised!” to appear ‘feminine’ to Hollywood and most mass market publications. Even the ones marketing ‘health’. Just look at the shoes in Sex in the City. Or how scrawny most Hollywood ‘heroines’ are. Even the ones toting guns. This weird situation appears to be changing a bit, but still has a long way to go. It’s still far too true that the most dangerous place to be a woman is still in their home - the stats on domestic violence are horrifying. Random violence from strangers is a lot less dangerous statistically speaking, but gets a LOT more publicity. I am so glad I am no longer young, and am therefore a lot less vulnerable. It’s been one of the most liberating things that has ever happened to me.