Incidents of “mass suicide” represent the most tragic example of civilians succumbing to the horrific pressures brought to bear on them during the Battle of Okinawa. Apart from the many who took their own lives individually, there were approximately thirty cases of multiple suicides and family members killing loved ones, with the tragic escalation of panic and fear on Zamami-jima and Tokashiki-jima in late March claiming the lives of and people respectively. The majority of mass suicides occurred early in the battle and either involved direct coercion by the Imperial Japanese Army or their functionaries to prevent civilians being taken captive by the Americans, or indirectly by the fear of capture that had been instilled in civilians through contact with the Army. Many of the Japanese soldiers who had fought in China had told locals of the terrible excesses they had committed during the fighting there and…read more

  • MinekPo1 [She/Her]
    1 year ago
    • the largest genocide was not the Holocaust, but the genocide of Indian tribes
    • American companies assisted in the III Reich war effort and profited of German Concentration/Death camps
    • the USA does not follow the rules of the WTO, an organization it itself started, promoted and forced onto the world
    • the USA is behind countless coups and military overthrows of governments, yet they are the one to preach democracy

    just a few more of the top of my head 🙃