Thats my friend! He’s really like that all the time and is genuinely compassionate and wholesome in every aspect of his life.
He volunteers on a local community radio show each week called The Pedestrian Show where he advocates for better biking infrastructure in the city. He’s like actually involved in city council meetings and breaks down the proposed development plans on the radio in simple terms so people can understand what’s happening in the city without reading 50 pages of legalese.
Thats my friend! He’s really like that all the time and is genuinely compassionate and wholesome in every aspect of his life.
He volunteers on a local community radio show each week called The Pedestrian Show where he advocates for better biking infrastructure in the city. He’s like actually involved in city council meetings and breaks down the proposed development plans on the radio in simple terms so people can understand what’s happening in the city without reading 50 pages of legalese.
Also, he’s really good at ping pong haha.
This guy just seems to be the absolute definition of a class act. Glad you’re able to call this gentleman a friend!
I wish people like him were candidates we got at elections, unfortunaly the system completely filters out kind people
No, it really doesn’t. I expect Obama, W, and Biden were all kind people.
It depends what you mean by “kind”. If you ignore the war crimes and focus on their interpersonal skills, sure you can say they were kind.
But by that same definition, Hitler was kind too.
I agree with you, Obama and Biden may be much better than the alternatives, but nowhere close to actually being kind
Wow this one really went 0-100 real quick
As an American, I feel the need to pushback when someone tries to rehab or whitewash our war crimes.
Saying “W. is kind” is just unacceptable pablum.
call this man mr rogers and give him a TV show goddamn he seems like a good fella.
This dude sounds amazing!