I was explaining this to my daughter in quite simplified terms the other day- we evolved to taste sugar and enjoy it because finding a sweet edible plant meant we had a source of energy to help us hunt that day. Pretty useful if you’re a hunter-gatherer.

So we seek out sugar. Now we can get it whenever we want it, in much more massive quantities than we are supposed to be processing. Most of us are addicted. I’m not an exception.

  • Lightor@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    So if I don’t do every single thing there’s no point at all? If I order meal prep, I’m not making my meals so might as well not go for a jog?

    With that mindset I hope you never do a single unhealthy thing because if so, it makes me wonder why you’re even taking the time to make your meals. I hope your doing cardio every day, if not, why even bother with meal prep if your heart is shit. I hope your monitoring your micros and macros, if not, you’re just wasting time making meals… This all or nothing mindset that you’re pushing is why people don’t even bother. You just told me, if I’m not making meals then why even go to the gym. You’re telling people there’s no point in working out unless they do all this extra stuff that people don’t have time for. Why? Why discourage healthy behavior?

    Also, this just sounds privileged as fuck. I’m glad you have a life where you don’t have to work that much or have that many responsibilities outside work, but all of us aren’t lucky enough to have the time to make every meal from scratch. Sometimes I don’t have a free moment to myself all day. And other days I don’t have the time to do it. And plenty of people don’t have the money to buy all fresh ingredients that spoil quickly if not used. Jesus dude, out of touch much.