The unsung hero of cbf food is a chicken thigh fillet immersed in baked beans and bubbled up in the microwave. Chopping optional. Serve on rice or toast or spud or just by itself. Add veg and/or other flavorings like hot sauce if feeling a little less cbf.
Haven’t done rice in a long while, I usually like to do it with something really saucy, cooking and cleaning sometimes is a pain for that even if I’m using a rice cooker.
Weather is yucky out the, muggy as hell and raining on top of that.
Wondering now what I do for my dinners for the next few.
Maybe might go back to pasta bolognese or something.
I’m very indecisive at the moment and I don’t think I’m in a good headspace at the moment. May distract myself by binging something over the weekend.
my recipe for bachelor scrambled eggs.
make scrambled eggs by adding one spoon of bottle salsa per egg
or spring onion and a tsp of garam masala
have on english muffins
The unsung hero of cbf food is a chicken thigh fillet immersed in baked beans and bubbled up in the microwave. Chopping optional. Serve on rice or toast or spud or just by itself. Add veg and/or other flavorings like hot sauce if feeling a little less cbf.
Microwave potato w baked beans
Microwave sweet potato w tuna and cheese
The possibilities are endless
Microwave potato and bolognese.
That actually doesn’t sound too bad from the sounds of it.
I need to look into this.
Hell yes! 💪👌
Nutritionally, your average potato is far superior to your average pasta.
yes, potats have vit c
What about rice meals? Stir fries, fried rice etc. One bag of rice, one bag of frozen veg and some soy sauce.
I hope things turn around for you soon. ♥
Haven’t done rice in a long while, I usually like to do it with something really saucy, cooking and cleaning sometimes is a pain for that even if I’m using a rice cooker.
That’s another plus for the microwave potato meals, you just need a plate, and a knife and fork! Unless of course you’re also making Bolognese too
I can imagine myself cooking at least 2 potatoes as well.
Yup it works just fine. Just pierce all around it first. Flip it 60% of the way thru
You trash, my treasure. Tanks need filling, ground needs loosening for new paving dig and now i don’t have to water plants