I’ve been using it for a while now on my Pixel and I gotta say it’s actually really useful, you can copy text from anywhere, even apps that normally won’t let you (both intentionally blocked and unintentionally) copy/select text

And the easy “translate what’s on my screen” functionality has been really good on Lemmy when I come across the random German memes lmao

The actual search function also comes in handy when I want to reverse search an image from an app, but the app won’t let me save it. It’s nice to skip a step or 2.

That being said, since it’s actually good I now expect it to be nerfed and/or abandoned in about 6 months

  • PetteriPano@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    The ‘translate what’s on my screen’ was a thing that google assistant could do around Android 8. I found it very handy when living abroad and not really knowing the language.

    That one didn’t use OCR, but could only do text in UI elements. Don’t know why they killed it. Maybe some security reasons caused the API that reads another apps UI elements to be canned.