Maybe a good balance is to glance at important headlines and save those articles, and designate one day per week to read through those saved articles to update your knowledge of whats happening
So for the remaining 6 days you kinda just stop worrying about it
(but still look out for potential things like “Martial Law Declared” on the headlines, that you need to immediately react to, such as getting the supplies needed to survive whatever happens, since movement would be restricted under Martial Law).
Maybe a good balance is to glance at important headlines and save those articles, and designate one day per week to read through those saved articles to update your knowledge of whats happening
So for the remaining 6 days you kinda just stop worrying about it
(but still look out for potential things like “Martial Law Declared” on the headlines, that you need to immediately react to, such as getting the supplies needed to survive whatever happens, since movement would be restricted under Martial Law).