You may already use your phone to pay for groceries, but have you ever needed it just to put them in your basket? You may, with this CVS app unlock trial.
@howrar@dantheclamman I needed a replacement garage door remote last week. Bunnings has them locked to the shelf thing. I did bend it a fair amount but couldn’t get the thing off. Found an employee who seemed as pissed off as I was. He didn’t have a key though. So had to disappear for quite some time to find one. It’s a $60 product in a reasonable size pack. Not a $6000 item I can slip in my pocket. Another reason to shop online (I needed that item that day otherwise I would have got it online)
The poll in the article…
Where’s the option of “no, I didn’t need it as much as I thought I did”
Or, “No, I’m not bothering to shop at CVS anymore because that’s a hassle.”
@howrar @dantheclamman I needed a replacement garage door remote last week. Bunnings has them locked to the shelf thing. I did bend it a fair amount but couldn’t get the thing off. Found an employee who seemed as pissed off as I was. He didn’t have a key though. So had to disappear for quite some time to find one. It’s a $60 product in a reasonable size pack. Not a $6000 item I can slip in my pocket. Another reason to shop online (I needed that item that day otherwise I would have got it online)