Natella said that he was inspired by the concept of dream invasion, which he had encountered in some movies and books, and that he wanted to explore the power of the internet to create and spread urban legends and collective myths. He elaborated on the topic further in a 2012 paper titled “Viral ‘K’ Marketing.”[12] Although Natella never confirmed whether the project had a commercial purpose, sources like The Kernel said it was “almost certain” that the site was specifically created as a guerrilla marketing campaign for Bertino and Ghost House’s film.
I think your title is not perfectly accurate, but I’d somehow never heard of this, and it’s fascinating.
Yea I wasn’t sure which details to include since it’s still a bit nebulous, so I tried to stick to the Wikipedia intro
Yeah, after thinking it over a little more, there’s really no other choice, is there? What a great series of events.
Total Mandela effect, because I know a fact that this was the summer of 2004 for me.
Unless you are one of hundreds of people who misremembered the date, that’s not a Mandela effect.
Unless you are one of hundreds of people who misremembered the date, that’s not a Mandela effect.
Conspiracy-minded circles think that the Mandela Effect is actually because of universes in the multiverse merging or some nonsense, and so since this person knows “a fact” that it happened in 2004 for them, that means, to them, that they were in an alternate universe where it happened in 2004 and now they aren’t. Or something. And so, to them, that’s the Mandela Effect.
Of course as you said, the Mandela Effect is about the collective misremembering of facts, not one person misremembering something, but since the tin-foil community has co-opted the effect, it means whatever they feel like I guess.
Fun fact, a lot of the way the Mandela Effect works is easily explained by priming. Most videos on the subject will say, eg, “This logo always looked like this, right? But no, it actually looked like this!”
If you’d asked people blindly to describe that name or logo or event or whatever, far fewer are going to exhibit the effect. But since they were primed with the false information, and human memory is awful, they “remember” the incorrect version.
I should have put an /s.
I was going for a joke along the lines of, “they might not have been able to implant false memories of the guy in us, but they somehow got us all to experience him in a different year.”
Even with the /S it is not funny.
Well that checks out. One of those things I just rolled my eyes at and had bad feelings about the ignorance and superstition all around me and encouraged myself to forget about. I guess I did until now!
The range of incredible intelligence to out & out pure willing stupidity of the human race never ceases to blow my mind.
What’s truly surprising is that the two variables are completely independent of each other. You cannot predict one from the other.