Magic sucked. Simple as. Destruction magic was weak, expensive to cast, and didn’t scale well. Other forms of magic also didn’t scale well or were otherwise very situational.
Conjuration gave you access to a daedric bow with effectively unlimited daedric arrows whenever you wanted. Pretty significant when stealth archery is the natural meta in the game. Plus you can summon things to give you free damage and take aggro. That’s useful for any build.
Bethesda had a really nice game design in Morrowind. When walking out of Seyda Neen and you see Tarhiel fall out of the sky. When you loot the corpse you find the scrolls of 1000 Acrobatics.
Bethesda is telling the player “Break this game when creating spells”.
True, they’d have been so much better. Though the enchanting hack in Oblivion led to some fun. I don’t remember exactly how we used to do it, but you could glitch and artificially inflate your enchant skill and make a bow and set of arrows (that you could dupe glitch later to get more) with like 50,000 combined frost damage, and when you got a hit it would launch the target clear into the sky lol.
In Morrowind you could basically make any combo of spells with as strong of a power based on the use type you wanted, as long as you could afford the gold cost (and the mana to actually use it). Oblivion made it super bare bones basic and not nearly as powerful.
Magic sucked. Simple as. Destruction magic was weak, expensive to cast, and didn’t scale well. Other forms of magic also didn’t scale well or were otherwise very situational.
Conjuration gave you access to a daedric bow with effectively unlimited daedric arrows whenever you wanted. Pretty significant when stealth archery is the natural meta in the game. Plus you can summon things to give you free damage and take aggro. That’s useful for any build.
That’s what Morrowind is for.
“Wanna be ostensibly a god? Ok! Here, you can levitate and endlessly smoke n’wahs from the heavens. We’ll call you Nerevar.”
Bethesda had a really nice game design in Morrowind. When walking out of Seyda Neen and you see Tarhiel fall out of the sky. When you loot the corpse you find the scrolls of 1000 Acrobatics.
Bethesda is telling the player “Break this game when creating spells”.
It’s so stupid that Morrowind’s spell creation system didn’t carry on into Oblivion and Skyrim.
True, they’d have been so much better. Though the enchanting hack in Oblivion led to some fun. I don’t remember exactly how we used to do it, but you could glitch and artificially inflate your enchant skill and make a bow and set of arrows (that you could dupe glitch later to get more) with like 50,000 combined frost damage, and when you got a hit it would launch the target clear into the sky lol.
Truth be told I didn’t care for Skyrim.
What was different in the spellcrafting system from Oblivion to Morrowind?
In Morrowind you could basically make any combo of spells with as strong of a power based on the use type you wanted, as long as you could afford the gold cost (and the mana to actually use it). Oblivion made it super bare bones basic and not nearly as powerful.
ice storm was pretty devastating, but yeah, a good chop with an axe normally trumped it
Dual-casting 2nd tier lightning could stun-lock Alduin!