A butterfly effect is the phenomeon that a small change in initial conditions that leads to a significantly different result than if the initial conditions haven’t been changed. Have you personally witnessed such phenomeon?

Example: Your pet seeks attention and you decided to spend a few seconds to pet your pet before leaving for work/a party/shopping for grocerries/etc. You drive to an intersection and the light turns red just a few seconds before you arrive, the car ahead of you passed the intersection sucessfully. When you eventually arrive at the next intersection, you find the car ahead of you was hit on the side by another car from the intersecting road. The driver in the car ahead of you was instantly killed.

You’ve just been saved by your pet.

  • Saigonauticon@voltage.vn
    1 year ago

    My brother complained his MP3 player wasn’t loud enough.

    So I designed a battery-powered amplifier based on a design online. That worked, so I designed a bunch of other things, helped found an organization to learn to design more things, and teach other people to design and make things. Ended up speaking at a couple of conferences. Then I immigrated to Vietnam so I could start a tech company where more things are made, so I could design and make even more things.

    Lost every dime, until I figured out how to run a business, made it all back by designing and making yet more things. Created some jobs! Met someone doing related volunteer engineering work and am now married. We are designing a house, but will probably hire someone to make it for us.

    I’ve never owned an MP3 player and don’t listen to music.