Is it at all possible that instead of being pushed away, we are instead getting pulled toward something huuuuuge via gravity? As if we are falling into something way greater than ourselves? I thought this was a wild idea but after I Googled it I found out that there is such a thing as a “Great Attractor”. Something 150 million light-years away is literally pulling all nearby galaxies towards it but no one knows exactly what it is.

So how do we know there aren’t any other Great Attractors, Greater Attractors, ad infinitum?

    1 year ago

    I usually explain it as two dimensional creatures living on the surface of a sphere. To them there is no edge and you can go in a straight line forever. But if you inflate the sphere everything gets further apart from everything else. There’s no direction anything is moving in.

    Makes more sense in my head than the balloon analogy at least