Default instance blocks should largely replace defederation

Since what content users might want to see is quite unlikely to match which servers the admins tolerate, choosing instance on the Fediverse can be quite complicated, which is inconvenient and off-putting for new users.

For this reason, and simply that the Fediverse is stronger united, I believe defederation should ideally be reserved for illegal content and extreme cases. If Fediverse platforms would allow instances to simply block the rest for users by default, the user experience would be the same, unless they decide otherwise.

@fediverse #fediverse #defederation

  • იႦაႵმყიიႶ
    10 months ago

    Define “trollin” that ain’t justa different opinion vs yours because nowadays, y’all just as soft as rotten fruit and bruise just as easily so anything can be slapt with rhe TROLLS label O_O

    like what I just said for example p sure you or someone else is going to say I was trolllyn with my response but I am not :P