How would you rate the OLED deck? Did you keep your LCD deck? Have you noticed any of the smaller improvements like a more responsive touch screen? Has the battery life improvement been noticable?

    10 months ago

    It’s better. Yes. It looks better and battery life is noticeably better. Quieter, cooler.

    Up to you if it’s worth it though. That’s your own financial decision to be honest.

    10 months ago

    I still use both, but yes I have. I’ve talked about this a bit before elsewhere, but I think the most noticeable difference for me is the difference in weight.

    I have the 512gb and the LE OLED. The 512gb is heavy. When I would bring it to appointments where I know I’ll just be in the waiting room, I would consistently use the case as a prop to hold it on. Same for use at home, I’ve talked with my friend about how we are always looking for something to prop it up on. I was already planning to, but I am glad I got the DeckMate and a VESA mount by the bed.

    The OLED is significantly lighter when picking it up by the center and holding it with 2 hands. They feel about the same otherwise, like when holding with one hand on the controller, or inside the case where OG is a bit heavier but not as noticeable. I still get surprised when I pick it up sometimes. Not nearly as light as a Switch, but its heft feels good.

    Outside of the weight difference though, I’d say I do notice and take advantage of the gains. I’ve found that a lot of indie games get a strong 100+ FPS boost - for example Revita goes from about 150-200FPS on OG to 250-400 FPS on OLED. The slightly larger screen is nice but hard to tell even side by size, but the OLED difference is quite noticeable.

    The touchscreen does feel noticeably improved as well, it’s hard to explain the difference but it’s kind of like the OLED needs less pressure for the capacitive function. Obviously that’s not actually the case, that’s just how I’d describe the feeling.

    The battery is definitely a strong 2 hours more, depending on the game of course but for Revita as the same example I remember seeing about that much of a difference.

    Okay but all told, where I think the OLED performs most differently is when docked, with a caveat.

    The OG Deck with MH Rise is a fairly stable 60FPS on low-medium 1920*1080. It dips when there are 3 monsters on the screen, but otherwise it’s pretty solid.

    The OLED is rock solid at 75FPS on medium 1920*1080. I have not noticed dips, even with the multiple monsters on screen.

    The difference is quite impressive. I’ve yet to try other harder games like MH:W or 2077, but this alone was pretty surprising to me.

    The caveat however, is that I find the OLED has more hiccups in docked mode? My OG Docked just pops right up on the display, but the OLED tends to have its fans go full blast and the device restarts. Not entirely sure what that’s about. Takes a minute or two longer and doesn’t happen every time, but it does happen. That said, I haven’t noticed it in a while so it may have been the early release of the software/ironed out with updates.

    The only other issue I have in docked mode:

    Currently I’m finding that after a few hours my Steam Controller will stop the haptics. The control scheme still works, but no haptics and no steam overlay. The game will freeze for a minute and lose internet connection if the controller turns off, and upon turning it back on the control scheme is gone. The Deck controller also is bugged by this point.

    I have to suspend the Deck, that gets Deck controls back, then I go to Bluetooth, forget the Steam Controller and re-pair it. Then it works just fine.

    Alongside all this, there’s an occasional Internet issue where starting up a game it may not recognize it’s connected to the Internet? But it seems linked to Bluetooth issues I’ve been having here as well. In any case, at this point if the network settings getting reconnected doesn’t solve the issue (sometimes it does but not always) I have to restart the Deck.

    Issue tl;dr Steam Controller disconnects from Steam Deck OLED in docked mode, controller works sans haptics until the controller turns off, then game freeze and wifi disconnect. Can remedy without full restart but often helps solve it faster. Both models.

    That issue occurs maybe every other session? And usually after extended periods of time, rarely within a single hour or two. I wonder if it’s the Controller or the communication with the Deck or Bluetooth or what.

    But that issue aside, my experience with both Decks has been stellar. Even including that issue, it’s consistent enough in how it happens and is remedied that it doesn’t bother me much, and only takes a couple minutes at most. My friend goes to take a hit and I’m back in the lobby by the time he’s ready again.

    These days my OG model stays docked on the TV downstairs, picked up by my partner sometimes, the OLED moves around with me and is occasionally docked to a monitor.

    Big fan of the offerings of the Steam Deck. It’s been so nice going from my PC upstairs, saving and edit: POPPING pooping downstairs to continue where I left off. No poo in the Steam Deck please. Big fan of being able to play a game online and have a Steam Deck with WiFi off to play another game during the downtime between hunts or missions.

    I haven’t yet customized my OLED with Decky plugins, but I’ll likely get a few when I feel the need. I like having the theme music, Steamgrid DB can really beautify a library, and between theming and OS tweaks (Bluetooth devices right in the quick access menu). One day it’ll get to the OG status lol.

    Oh, I forgot to mention - 90hz feels significantly different in the games that support it. Spiritfarer is absolutely gorgeous.

    Final say: if you have the LCD and are on the fence, I would base your decision on 1) weight, 2) potential performance gains, and 3) how much you prefer OLED.

    The weight is what remains with me the most. The performance gains are noticeable but “how necessary” depending on your games - 60fps locked games will get better response times but won’t take advantage of the 90hz. Finally, it’s an OLED screen.

    10 months ago


    The thing that has struck me the most is how much lighter it is. Nobody seems to be mention that, but that one small thing makes such an outsize difference.

    The battery life is also very noticeable, and you can multiply the benefit by using energy conserving settings.

    The other big difference is control responsiveness. If you play fighting games or other games with intense timing and accuracy needs, you WILL notice the difference.

    The OG Steam Deck is still great, but the OLED is just better in so many little, meaningful ways.

    9 months ago

    I bought a 512GB LCD on release and barely used it, maybe 50h at most. I just found the fan to be really annoying. Once the OLED was announced and reviewers mentioned it was much quieter, I bought it on a whim and sold my old Deck to a friend for cheap.

    The fan noise is massively improved, I pretty much don’t hear it ever. I’m actually using the Deck now, probably already more than I ever did old Deck, and will look at the performance for games on it, before I buy something.

    So, even though I’ve had a Deck since launch, I’m still pretty new to it, and can’t say too many other things about the differences. It was still worth it for me.

      9 months ago

      Not that it does you much good now, but you might’ve had a bad fan. My unit is a preorder one, and the fan wasn’t broken, but it was just… Noticable, when it was on. It wasn’t enough for me to say it was broken or anything, but I could just tell when it was running, especially at full speed.

      It didn’t bother me, because I was like wow this game is really pushing the Deck hard, I can really hear the fan. Etc etc.

      Well after a few months of hard use the fan developed a click, it was a bad bearing or something. You could make it go away by tapping it.

      Anywho to make a long story short, after getting a replacement that was DOA, and then getting a second replacement. The new fan was noticeably quiet. So quiet that I thought I had another DOA. But no, it was working perfectly. I just didn’t realize how bad the original fan was.

      So now I have a very quiet Deck, and I’m quite happy about it 😁

        9 months ago

        Maybe, back then I read that there are two fan models going around and one is better than the other, so who knows. Or how putting a bit of pressure on a certain spot could help, or things like that. I was toying with the idea of ordering a replacement, when the iFixit stuff was announced, but never did it and forgot about it.

        So far my friend is mostly emulating older handhelds, so it doesn’t get too hot in the first place, and even if it gets louder it doesn’t seem to bother him for now.