@melbaboutown @AWStephen Sard Power Soaker. Bear in mind that Aldi now has very good equivalent products at sometimes significantly reduced cost. I just don’t have 25yrs experience with it like Sard.
Keep trying to retire! Company director, accountant, lawyer. Yoga, cycling, running. Politics
@melbaboutown @AWStephen Sard Power Soaker. Bear in mind that Aldi now has very good equivalent products at sometimes significantly reduced cost. I just don’t have 25yrs experience with it like Sard.
@melbaboutown @briongloid my maximum attack cycle (assuming you get the offending item fresh!) is presoak in a bucket of Sard soaking solution with the full quota recommended in the hottest water available for several hours. Then (front load machine) put another generous portion of Sard in the prewash dispenser and max half recommended detergent on a hot cycle (60+). Increase water level and rinse cycle as machine allows. Good luck!
@melbaboutown @CEOofmyhouse56 a hard spikey massage ball like this little puppy can work wonders if muscle release is called for
@bull @bot001 I understand your obligation under S245 of The Electoral Act is to VOTE ( by implication therefore you must enroll if eligible AND vote). But the enforcement is light and the fine small. Try starting here: https://aec.gov.au/About_AEC/Publications/voting/index.htm
@SLfgb @Thornburywitch I’m up for a daylight saving strike!
@Salvo what the MSM seem very slow to realize is that effectively the fight for the LP as a main stream centre right party has been lost. And the LP is very keen to cosplay as a “Broard Church” incl moderates. I believe it is not true; they are controlled by factions motivated that we all convert to believe what they believe. A minority ALP govt backed by pragmatic community independents would have every chance to be more functional (especially at providing the basic service of good government) than an overly powerful unaccountable majority ALP govt 🙂
@cuavas @Salvo of course with the dysfunctional state of the Vic LP the “next Kennet Govt” fortunately is nowhere in sight. However dissatisfaction with ALP combined with surprisingly high vote for community independents could quite conceivable see a minority Govt. https://redbridgegroup.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Vic-votes-survey-Sept-2023.pdf
@Nath and yet having been in Sydney just recently their PT seems significantly better 😕