That’s because you don’t have enough zigbee devices. They have to be everywhere so that they can mesh. Have you considered a zigbee carpet? It’s great to link rooms together and it can share data with the zigbee vacuum cleaner.
That’s because you don’t have enough zigbee devices. They have to be everywhere so that they can mesh. Have you considered a zigbee carpet? It’s great to link rooms together and it can share data with the zigbee vacuum cleaner.
Those other people are happy because they ate their chicken instead of playing with it.
LaTeX is always free and works on many systems.
That was decades ago, though.
For a grey background, yellow text is usually preferred.
It reminds me of the weirdoes buying wine to splill it down the drain when France had the audacity of telling the truth in the un during the whole Irak mess. Of course the wine makers and sellers were fine with that.
Fools! You have to expire the whole system!
Reinstall everything every 90 days. It’s the only way.
From reading online, it seems to be a feature of some segments of the US market.
I’m currently using my first Samsung device in a while (handed down by someone who didn’t like it) and it’s just like any other phone.
I’m not in the US though.
What I could hold against them is how some of their devices have extra features enabled within the brand’s ecosystem. I understand it’s a basic way to keep users with the brand without being too harsh (everything still works with another appliance after all), but it’s still a bit crummy.
Maybe someone ought to rewrite rust in C.
It depends a lot on your location on the planet.
I suppose it’s so you can take them home and cook them the way you like them.
They still have to cook the rice.
Sounds like a weird “we’ll finance you but you’re going to have to agree to our wacko conditions” kind of deal.
Odd that he found nobody else. Or maybe he found the challenge interesting.
No, it’s still touché.
Is this one of those “yo, you like Windows, so we put some Windows in your Windows” joke that I’m too Linux to understand?
But, why?
2k is the new 800×600… :-/
It’s probably even worse for Windows users with all those stupid unresizeable windows.
And you can’t have legible icons, as they must be as small and cryptic as possible. They should also all look alike at first glance if possible.
It has nothing to do with the US, so presumably, no.