Mediocre musician and prog metal addict. Spams “:^)” too much. Any/all pronouns.

  • 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • It really strikes me as odd that some people think “transition wasn’t right for me, so therefore, it’s right for nobody!” is a valid argument.

    I’d go as far to say that I find it so hard to believe that this argument is upheld in good faith to a point where I think most people who assert it know it makes no sense but feel the need to grasp at any straws they can to be transphobic.

    It’s almost as if something called a “case-by-case basis” exists, but these people refuse to acknowledge it.

    I even brought up the amount of satisfied post-transition trans people with my grandfather who has an obsession with sending me articles by transphobic detransitioners (so he can use the whole “take it from someone who actually did it: transition is wrong!” argument), to which he responds:

    Any trans person who says their satisfied with their lives post-transition is “lying” to not get targeted by the “liberal media”.

    What gets me the most about people like my grandparents is that he simultaneously believes that transphobes like him are a silent majority to a point where he argues that everyone “secretly” agrees with his views on trans people, but he also wants to showcase a victim complex saying that people with his views are massively shunned by society when he expresses said views.

    Make it make sense.

  • Fair point, but I usually like to discern those two. I made this post in reference to a forum debate I got into with viciously transphobic 30 to 50 something cisgender conservative men who are outright insulting me on the basis of me being trans. I’m not trying to change their minds. I’m just trying to make them look more foolish than they already make themselves look. I owe no good faith to disrespectful people like that. Their arguments are all emotionally charged and stem from the “trans people are icky” type of shit, so it’s like shooting fish in a barrel.


  • Hey, as an NB, I’d appreciate it if you didn’t use your experience to speak on mine. Being GNC isn’t the same as NB, so please stop conflating the two. I’m closer to a binary trans person in my life than I am to a GNC cis person, so please don’t speak in absolutes here. I am absolutely trans, I consider myself trans wholeheartedly, and anyone who says I’m not trans rightfully can fuck off. If you experience being non-binary in a way that’s seemingly indistinguishable from being a GNC cis person, that’s you. I’m not going to police how you identify, so don’t do the same for the broader NB community.

  • Angel*Permanently Deleted*
    11 months ago

    I posted a response to a forum thread where I disagreed with the majority of the forum’s opinion. My response was posted on page 3, and it led to discourse, primarily between me and the OP, that dragged out until page 18. Walls of text galore, but I did get the last word, so does this mean I won? No. The only way I could’ve won was not engaging in that shit in the first place.