Punch it in the dick. They don’t like that.
Punch it in the dick. They don’t like that.
Rule 1: Authoritarian shitcunts get the rope
Rule 2: Be excellent to each other (with the exception of rule 1)
Rule 3: Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms is now a store
Isn’t hard real time in the kernel now?
Any better than a PSVita for emulation?
God damn it I just had to delete a four paragraph answer
It’s more correctly known as “received English”, old chap.
I didn’t know what I was doing so I chose at random.
You just triggered my PTSD
As an Emacs user, I support this meme.
Expand your definition. It’s Authoritarianism you should really be afraid of.
When someone has their jackboot on your neck, what does it matter if it’s left or right?