• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 21st, 2023

  • That’s the key.

    That said, I’ve always bought ~2 year old phones. They usually have batteries at 85% life (or more).

    I haven’t had fast charging hurt one significantly yet, and I’ve used it a lot on some phones.

    Of course, I avoid using it as much as possible. I use a slow charger (1A,max) overnight and it’s on a timer. On rooted phones I use a charge limiting app.

  • There are a range of tachycardia/arrythmia that you can have since birth that may not show up until you’re older, or get triggered by certain meds or nutrient deficiencies (things like potassium).

    I wouldn’t ignore this for a minute longer. Maybe just walk into urgent care and ask if they’re equipped to check it out (basically EKG). I know my urgent care is.

    If they aren’t equipped, then go to ER.

    But please don’t sit on this any longer. Some arrythmias are fairly benign, but if it’s happening repeatedly, it will eventually cause tissue damage that you don’t really fully recover from. Plus you don’t know if yours is benign (and most docs would say arrythmia is never benign, even if it isn’t killing you in the moment).

  • Stitches don’t necessarily mean ER.

    Guess it really depends on your urgent care.

    For the most part, I’ll go to my urgent care unless I know damn sure ER is needed (the urgent care is in my network). It’s no farther away, (ER is a couple blocks away), and urgent care is less out of pocket. If they determine ER is required, they’ll say so (and recommend ambulance if they feel it’s necessary).

    Basically the triage nurse will assess and make a determination.

    I’ve had family go there for cardiovascular issues (and be treated and sent home). They’re fully equipped to stabilize someone if they need to go elsewhere. They have a full complement of equipment, including radiology (everything but CAT).

  • Keeping in mind the object with the larger mass will (over those millions of years) pull the smaller object closer in all dimensions/planes

    It’s still hard for me to get my head around, it would be great to see an animation showing this with perhaps 3 or 4 objects. It’s especially hard for me to visualize the gas cloud around a star coelescing into a plane, even before the more solid objects form.

    Is this because of rotational mechanics around the star?

  • The difference is even this pittance of a fine wouldn’t happen in a planned economy - it would be like the planners fining themselves.

    What we’re seeing here is a result of the amoral “beastly” types concentrating power. What you’re suggesting is to intentionally concentrate that power from the start.

    Facebook is a great example of democracy - the billions of people using it have effectively (in their voluntary ignorance) voted for it to be like this. These are the same people who would vote for policies in a pure democracy.

    And you’re ignoring what happens in the SMB space, where people aren’t part of the corrupt circle.

    You’re welcome to start a small community anywhere in the US with a planned economy, as proof of concept.

    You could call it… A commune, to indicate its goals.

  • Good HR people are there to protect the company, yes, but they’re also there to protect the employees.

    Their primary responsibility is to protect the company, protecting employees only matters in the context of protecting the company.

    Didn’t bother reading the rest, because you’re already bullshitting.

    Source: almost 4 decades in very large (tens of thousands of employees) companies

  • I wonder if maybe some kind of notification system for her, and you, would be useful (in addition to blocking).

    Then maybe you can interrupt her, perhaps talk about it, or setup some tools for her to use to help manage stuff and learn along the way.

    Guess what I’m going for is the learning/growth angle, rather than just automatic constraints (which hy themselves don’t teach or help us learn to manage this stuff ourselves).

    Seems like there’s a need for all this for all kids, not just neuro-atypical.

  • Ah, OK.

    Yea, not sure if these units can yet support expansion of a data set.

    BTRFS and ZFS technically have the capability (from what I recall) in the latest versions, the question is does the device you’re looking at support the capability? I haven’t looked into enough of them to know for sure.

    That said, my ancient Drobo can do this, but… It will only see the new size once you upgrade all the drives. It will resilver with a new larger drive but until all drives are upgraded it won’t use the extra drive space of an added larger drive.

    (And yes, Drobo is garbage, this one was free, I had some spare drives and I use it as a third local storage device, kind of a spare I don’t really trust).

  • By supporting networking (and also using a mesh to increase range).

    As I understand “walkie talkie” radios, the spectrum they use (GMRS/FRS/CB/MURS, etc) isn’t permitted to transmit data in a way that’s useful for proper data networking (there’s some allowance for data but not really anything like what most people think of as networking, and encryption is right out of the question).

    For the most part, these radio specs can only increase range by use of repeaters. IIRC meshtastic takes a mesh approach to increasing range and reliability.