tee tee
tee tee
My mom still hasn’t explained all those joke she was going to “tell me when I get older”. Parents lie and they don’t feel bad about it
Yes. Reddit. Land of good faith void of passive aggression.
The news hasn’t reached that high up the horse yet
We will genetically engineer all pathogens so that instead of killing us they give us super power boosts until our immune system takes care of them. That way we don’t murder the pathogens like we do now.
I don’t think any species could beat my Revolution X top score so… we kind of do dominate sweetie.
ALDL was proprietary to GM kind of like apple and their connector tomfoolery. In 1990-something CARB probably didn’t want to buy all the different diagnostic tools so they said if you want to drive in California your car needs OBD-II. Now, I can check and clear codes on any modern car with a $35 tool.
I don’t recognize him
I bet the test is food based. Like you get dry pasta that’s longer than the pot is wide and what you do with the pasta determines if you get a hunting license or not.