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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 23rd, 2023


  • My issue with XMPP was the lack of synchronization between clients. If my mobile was offline while I was chatting on desktop, mobile client would never have the same chat history as desktop and my conversation history would be fragmented. When I asked about it on some developer forum, they basically just said that was out of scope for XMPP and should be implemented in client. Which sort of makes sense if the client is a web client hosted somewhere but I wanted a thin desktop client like pidgin.im

  • I think the best way to moderate gaming addiction is to be deliberate and disciplined about your goals. I love gaming and don’t want to be interrupted, so I try to deal with responsibilities first, to get more enjoyment out of an uninterrupted gaming session. Make hard rules for yourself. You want to be fit? Work out before gaming. You don’t even need a great workout routine; consistency will get you there. Use your drive for gaming to reach your goals. That’s my opinion

  • I’m nearing the end of act III with a couple of friends and I’m having a great time. I’m very likely to have a 2nd and maybe 3rd playthrough coming up. I love the game as it is, but I do have a few complaints.

    My biggest complaint is that we can’t just let a more appropriate character take over a conversation. One of my clumsy, dim-witted brawler friends runs ahead by one pixel triggering a cutscene, and I can’t jump in mid-conversation to smooth things over with my bardic talent. This is our most common reason for loading a previous save.

    Second biggest complaint is the number of things that you can mis-click to destroy your character’s reputation. I’d love to be able to opt-in to an “are you sure” dialog when you accidentally click a random item on the floor while moving around. This is our second most common reason for loading a previous save.

    Absolutely loving the game despite some very confusing storyline elements that must have relied on earlier foundational elements that we missed.