Yea but after being threatened to take the deal or else?
Yea but after being threatened to take the deal or else?
No shit. And I don’t hold grudges about slavery in the states. But sure as shit hold hatred against Russia for enslaving generations of my family.
yea kind of got that on my first banning then appealed and they let me back
Well I keep looking up AMA communities and all I get is Futurama answers.
But would he be sitting as a defendant like trump was during his shit? Or could he just ignore it and just not show up?
really hard to link on a phone at this time also don’t know how.
Ummm…that sound like commiting suicide plus I move town to town for my work so its hard to find groups like that. And apparently its expensive for like a hidden camera that looks like a button. Maybe I should start a go fund me thing. Or a kickstarter.
Just read up on them then when they got to needing donations I baled
Fuck did not think about insurance but even that is kind of fucked up.
I like to think as it takes a carpenter to build a house. And since Carter has built so many. God is thinking that he doesn’t want him to die like Jesus did. Also I think God is pretty much like build one more house and you will be sent up don’t pass go just go straight in and fuck saint peter.
“Israel is committing some of the most disgusting war crimes in the modern day…“Putin is a warmongering asshole…ok done. Lets see what happens lol
LMAO Elmo never heard him called that. But am going to use it…thank you mate.
I thought I was the only one. I grew up in po dunk AR. And being black students and teachers treated me like shit. Going so far as to give me F’s until I proved it to the princepal that it was because my race. He told me the next paper she asks you to write come to me and tell me what it was about and I will write it for you. I did as he said. He wrote it and I handed it in as my own and gave me an F. I showed him the paper he called my teacher to the office while I was sitting there and asked wtf was up with this. She had no answer but studdering. She re-evaluated my papers and gave me all A’s. Probably not the same thing as you but many time I had white paint thrown on me because I was black and they did not want a black student but thats another tale.
Ok in your opinion who do you think would be on his or your list?
No not the government because it is dumb as hell but if parents had the option to have a gurantee their child will outlive them then it should be up to them and them alone.
Then can you link said post?