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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2023

  • I disagree. Just following your source to its conclusion, I think it’s safe to say OA (organic agriculture) is better all around:

    7.1 Pros • Lower emissions of CO 2 , N 2 O, and CH4 • Enhanced soil and water quality • Lower energy use per land area • Higher energy efficiency per land area 7.2 Cons • Lower soil profile SOC stocks [i.e. how much carbon is in the soil] • Lower crop yields • Higher land requirement • Lower energy production per land area

    Your conclusion that we’d have to clear more land for agriculture use if we all switched to OA seems flawed; e.g. here in Germany we use about 60% of agricultural land to raise livestock feed like corn etc (https://www.landwirtschaft.de/tier-und-pflanze/pflanze/was-waechst-auf-deutschlands-feldern). Seems to me like eating less meat and growing idk lentils or beans would not immediately lead to food insecurity.

    This is also what the FAO says: yes, OA leads to yield reduction when compared to conventional methods, but not to food scarcity and instead to healthier ecosystems (https://www.fao.org/organicag/oa-faq/oa-faq6/en/).

    (sry gotta go, more.later)

  • Wikipedia in Video Form is a great line! I feel much the same way, but I think that’s not the entire picture. Wikipedia is a lot of declarative knowledge (i.e. what things are and Al’s maybe why they are), but YouTube is a lot of procedural knowledge for me. That is how to X. My GF and I finally found an apartment. I don’t know how to replace broken light switches, but in five minutes YouTube taught me how.

    I didn’t know how to replace a faucet - now I do. I did not know how to insert a metal screw fitting into the furniture I was constructing - now I do. I wanted to measure our energy consumption, figuring there had to be a way to it it smart/connected and Open Source. YT content creators showed me how.

    The list goes oooonnnnnn

  • so much this!

    I used to recoil at the thought of “networking” for similar reasons as OOP. I’d rather make smalltalk at a conference for exactly as long as it takesb to find someone to go ditch the entire thing with. I don’t wanna talk shop for the sake of talking shop or “networking”, I wanna go for a beer and talk about fully automated luxury gay space communism 🚀

    However, now that I’m professionally doing something that I’m interested in, things have changed a bit. I actually enjoy the challenges at my job and actively seek out people that (hopefully) know more about the pitfalls than me. I want to learn from other people! Hopefully I can pay it forward sometime.

    But now, all of a sudden, I’m networking. I know what Rebekah does over at Engineering and I know what Claude is trying to accomplish over at $competitor. They in turn know what’s in my roadmap and where I might need support. They also know how I work.

    And now, every now and then I get a LinkedIn message alerting me to a professional learning opportunity or a job opportunity. Likewise, I keep Rebecah and Claude in the loop about things that might be interesting to them.

  • Not to shit on your parade (and congratulations for losing that weight!) buuuut for anyone reading this thinking “juicing” is a shortcut to a healthy life:

    It really isn’t.

    Fruit juices like apple or orange juice especially when bought contain a ton of sugar and often lack all-important fiber as OP points out.

    In fact, drinking a lot of (fruit) juice has been linked to increased risk of type 2 diabetes (see “health effects”). There is absolutely no indication that juicing is in any way superior to just eating fruit and veggies and to the contrary quite some indications that juicing is actually inferior.

    And not to put words on your mouth OP but juicing proponents often overlap with detox proponents, another fad which has absolutely 0 base in reality.