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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 14th, 2023


  • It’s not enough for YOU to vote. We ALL need to vote. And not just in the Presidential election. In all elections, including local, state, and most importantly PRIMARIES. We have an FPTP Voting System, which trends us towards a 2 Party system.

    In such a voting system, the only way to meaningfully change the position of the parties is to make sure the party is compromised of and is led by people who share your positions and who will actually represent your interests effectively.

    1 person voting in a general election that’s already narrowed down to a few swing states isn’t going to do it. Get everyone you know to get off their asses and vote in primaries, in general elections, and any other local elections you can manage.

    If you only have time to vote in one election? Make it the primary for your party.

    Voting is the lowest hanging fruit. It will cause the biggest impact for the least amount of effort. If we cannot get our asses to polls we aren’t going to get our asses up to do anything harder than voting. Not until people get much more desperate, much hungrier, and much more miserable. I think our voter turnout for primary elections is around 20%. We should be ashamed of ourselves.

    Imagine a world where the shittiest candidates were all weeded out months before the general election. That’s what the Primaries are for.

  • This is true, but it’s neglecting one variable that does complicate the math slightly. There is greater air resistance at highway speeds. IIRC at 60mph 50% of your power is lost due to the air resistance.

    So yes, if we lock the speed to a fixed value and compare them, then regenerative of course doesn’t increase the range more than not stopping at all. But that’s the nuanced gap in the discussion where misunderstanding is going to reside. That’s why you two are on different pages. Someone is assuming equal air resistance (speed), and someone is assuming a comparison of average city miles vs highway miles.

    Neither is necessarily the ONLY way to look at it. It’s all relative.

  • So? Does that undo the work you accomplished and submitted?

    Look, I’m not going to spend more time to convince everyone they are going to screw themselves by being stubborn about AI tools. It’s going to be paradigm shifting tech. It’s the invention of the calculator, the Internet, the smart phone, etc. all over again. If you refuse to learn it, I am very confident you will be left behind, like a coal miner in an old company town.

    I’ve already used AI to write functional working code for me. We are already rolling it out in medical practices. My friend are already using it to modify game code without even knowing anything about coding.

    It’s a new way to learn and accomplish things. Technology is a tool to be used. If you don’t believe that, why are you using technology at all?

  • Absolutely. But that involves being politically engaged. We have a government that doesn’t serve the people because people aren’t engaged. People spend time arguing politics but can’t be bothered to vote twice a year. We have abysmal voter turnout rates in every metric.

    Our presidential elections are the highest turnout, and even that is laughable, and that’s arguably the LEAST important election. Mid terms are worse turnout than that. Off years worse still. And primaries, which I’d argue are the MOST important election because they let you change the core spirit of the two parties, have the worst turnout of all.

    We need to vote.