As absolutely stupid as this is, it’s no different than changing the maps to show Denali rather than Mount McKinley. I don’t think you’re missing anything.
As absolutely stupid as this is, it’s no different than changing the maps to show Denali rather than Mount McKinley. I don’t think you’re missing anything.
He’s looking a little harfam, TBH.
This can occur when you’re entering the correct password, but there is a typo in the username you entered. Nobody spellchecks the username.
Birth rates dropped hard at the '07-'08 recession, so the smaller cohort of HS grads arrives soon.
It’s also going to tank college enrollments and is likely to sink a bunch of smaller, less endowed institutions.
This often happens when you entered the right password but have a typo in the user name. Everyone tries the password again, but nobody spell checks their email or username.
When you bake something, like a loaf of banana bread, you have to heat up the oven to the target temperature before you put the loaf in the oven. This ensures proper cooking.
Humans generally do not need this. If the house is chilly, one can turn up the heat and put on a sweater or something while waiting for the house to warm up.
OP’s screenshot points out that his girlfriend is expressing the needs of bread. How silly!
Yes, it’s U.S. centric. The CEO of a huge medical insurance company was shot dead in the streets recently.
The other companies listed are also medical insurance companies. So this looks like either a dark joke or a call for violence, depending how you squint at it.
Hey hey hey, it’s time to make crrrazy money! Are you ready?
Unleash The Archers’s version of Northwest Passage is a real banger.
deleted by creator
Our culture phrases damn near everything in metaphors of war. The war on drugs. The battle of the bands. Bob lost his battle with cancer. It’s absolutely pervasive, to the point it’s almost as invisible as the air.
Rule number one: the kids are alright.
The best time was 100 years ago. The second-best time is now.
But that’s the perfect cover, maaaaan!
Hell yeah baby. Wanna meet Papa November?
Hey I’ve seen this movie before… https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/IBM_and_the_Holocaust
And then squeegee down your forearms and aprons and get back to work.
You just pull the wrist hole open and dump out the excess hand water every hour or so.
It’s like the ending of Inglourious Basterds, but self-inflicted.
Now now now, they also think it means you hire women.