• 32 Posts
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: April 27th, 2024


  • He mentions the WTC along with Oaklahoma city, not as an imminent target that was going to be destroyed within the year. He mentions the WTC as an example because it was previously a target in 1993. He also says “The join chiefs of staff want to blow up airliners.” He also claims The government was going to institute Marshall law. Those things did not come true. Sorry but this is just bullshit. He did not predict 9-11. He rambled off a bunch of paranoid bullshit.

  • I hate apple so much.
    I really hate Iphones.

    Iphone, Iphone,
    I fucking hate it
    I hate it so much
    I want to beat it wtih a stick

    It’s such a slow-ass,
    buggy piece of shit,
    and everyone who works for Apple
    can suck my fucking dick

    I want to punch it in the face
    and shoot it in the head
    and run it over with a steamroller
    over and over, until it’s fucking dead

    I’m going to dig up Steve Jobs
    and Piss on his bones
    Because fuck him and everyone
    with their stupid fucking Iphones.