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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2023


  • I’m going to disagree with most of these comments. They don’t protect the prong so much as they protect the cord or other objects in the cords vicinity (painted surfaces, fragile surfaces, etc). The little plastic cap that covers tire stems on cars and bikes , while keeping it clean when installed, are primary to prevent chaffing issue on the inner tube whike shipped and stored; same thing with this prong shroud. They have holes in them as to not retain moisture I imagine.

    Long story short, the prongs are metal and have corners. They are the strongest, “sharpest” thing in the box. The plastic isn’t protecting the prongs from us, it’s protecting us from the prongs.

  • Which I’ve been saying into the void for a while. Ideally in capitalism demand drives supply. If their demand is lack luster (for people upgrading to premium), rather than trying to cajole people through force into buying their product, they should drop the fucking price. Instead, they want to keep it bundled with music, and thus make it prohibitively expensive, while simultaneously competing in two seperate markets simultaneously. Give the people a video only tier, at a truly reasonable price, and begin (read: continue) to rake in cash. It’s very frustrating.

  • Well, there’s more people now then ever. The environment is either at or past an irreversible tipping point. Every year being either the coldest, the hottest, the wettest, or the driest in recorded time. We have too much CO2 and not enough potable water. The ice caps are melting, the choral is bleaching, the sea is rising, and bugs are on the ropes. We’ve got fascism problems in basically every country simultaneously. Not to mention there is frank discussion about not whether or not there are aliens, but what about them should be declassified and discussed with the public. Our terrestrial telescopes can’t see shit because of the sheer volume of satellites blanketing the night sky. And we’ve got cascading humanitarian crisis being captured in high definition and beamed to our 24 hour pocket sized global information machines, but all anyone seems to care about is what genitals you pledge allegiance to.

    There may be precedents for these times, but they are the type of precedents that immediatly precede a global cataclysms. If anything your average person is not being dramatic enough.