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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 1st, 2023

  • There absolutely was a conservative freak out over black Nick Fury. It happened when super hero comics were not full blown mainstream yet. Also before hyper centralized social media. So it wasn’t really a talking point outside of niche spaces. Like any specific anger, over a single character, it was drowned in the flood of the next outrages. After so many years it is now just who Nick Fury is, because he was black when super hero media truly broke into the mainstream. It is easier to get people mad about things they are used to, changing, rather than try to get them mad that Nick was made black before gen z really became the primary consumer of marvel media.

    However, in 2001, it was a hot button issue at the comic book store. I heared many racist rants about it.

  • Jiggle_Physics@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldSelective rage
    6 days ago

    Most of the media, leading the charge on the outrage, are people who consider themselves fans of the material, and claim they aren’t racist for being upset over the change, just mad that they didn’t respect source. Then you look over their channel and there is not one single video, where they do this, when source material is whitewashed. Even though there is plenty of that, in the stuff they claim they are only upset over, because the source material wasn’t respected.

    These are the people who stoke this outrage, they often started as straight fan media, but found out ranting about people of color, and gay people, being in media made a lot more money. Communities centered around the fanbase, for these things, are hotbeds of this behavior. There is no way you can make this argument, about these people. The people introduced to the media, by the movies, get mad because of these people.

    I don’t know how you can not know this, and claim enough familiarity with audience statitics to make your argument. So I agree with others saying you are likely going out of your way to make this seem not racist.

  • I mean, I have a PC that is roughly the same specs, while still being in the general price ballpark. I waited for specials, took advantage of vendor specific price reductions (such as company specific credit card discounts when I had the money to pay outright), bought a couple things second hand, bought two things that were ope box (returned but nothing wrong), and I already had a decent monitor. This, as you probably can tell, was a pain in the ass, but I have a PC that is a little more powerful, with a lot more storage, for just shy of 900 USD, after taxes. So not bad. However I don’t expect normal people to go through that, I kinda enjoy the process.

    But the only way to really compare the two is in a holistic manner. Without including the costs of using the console, through its life, it just isn’t a fair comparison.

  • Consoles are actually not priced to make a profit, they sell at a loss. They do this because they have a premium on games, and games exclusive to them. On top of this they charge for a variety of services, things that are free for similar games on PC.

    PCs’ cost is up front. The cost of a console continues fore the life time of that console. If you have a PS5 for the average cycle to produce a newer version, you will have paid 800 dollars just for the ability to play their games online. That makes it $1500 dollars at this point. This isn’t even including all the other little costs, and average of higher prices for games, the premium price on their devices/accessories, or the cost of the TV, etc.

    On top of this you can’t also use your PS5 to work, like you can with a PC, or anything, really, other than gaming, and a select number of things, that you will be able to do with the things you need to have for the console, like a TV.

  • The US is an imperialist hypocrite of a country. Like that is just a damn fact. As you point out though, the issues leftists, not in these spaces, have with places like hexbear, and ml, is the fact that they back authoritarian regimes like China. China who is in the process of the US playbook of economic imperialism with their BRI. They are committing a genocide, they are exploiting much poorer countries, to hold them in economic dependency, and they are discussing annexing land they do not own any longer, and haven’t for a long time now. No I am not talking about Taiwan.

    They are making so many similar moves to the US post WWII, and have an economy that is dependent on allowing capitalism, to the point that they have a billionaire class second only to the US. While the US is growing its police/surveillance state, China is leagues ahead on that one. The big thing China doesn’t have, is something similar to the massive global infrastructure the US developed to be able to deploy, and supply, its military in a time frame measured in hours. China is trying to develop something along these lines, but it has the US/NATO super structure all ready in place, it will have to, at least partially, displace. This will not be easy.