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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • This is… not true. Orrin Hatch said if Obama nominated someone like Merrick Garland, the Republican Senate would approve it. Obama nominated him, then the Republican Senate said “psych.”

    The checks and balances were broken by the Republican Senate because they decided “advice and consent” could be abused to mean “wait until there’s a Republican president.”

    The public decided the solution to this was selecting a Republican president and keeping a Republican Senate. It’s a perfect plan for Republicans, because people on the left just blame Democrats so that the same pattern can happen again next time.

  • I think he argues in bad faith. I saw an interview he had with someone who had a disability where they were both arguing against a specific mobility technology because it could have military applications.

    Everything can have military applications.

    It sort of reminds me of people who don’t care about an arbitrary technology or research (let’s call it Z) and start saying “why are you working on Z, shouldn’t you be working on a cure for cancer instead”

    9 times out of 10 the complainer isn’t trying to cure cancer themselves and the researcher doesn’t necessarily have the skillset to immediately switch to curing cancer.