I’m an Australian, I’m probs fking with you, we can’t help it, I think. Probably something to do with all the hostile shit around us and adapting to it, or something. All meant in good spirits! If you think we’re laughing at you, think about the stupid shit we just did to get that laugh.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 8th, 2023

  • Omfg. What a trash article. Great examples of the spin the politicians are trying on, of tiktok. because people can use it to unite against an unjust system and that made them scared and therefore launch a negative campaign and force a take over of the whole app. I mean, come on!! Such a bad article.

    There’s more misinformation on fb. Marky Z, when asked why he let’s all a that just spread around, said, he thinks people can just tell stuff is lies by looking at it. He knows that isn’t true.

  • Idea is good, in principal. Can I just offer some thoughts to get things happening smoothly.

    Bullying, what type? I can only offer general overall advice without specifics. So I’ll offer some food for thought, What if that person is neurodivergent and doesn’t understand they’re bullying, or coming across too blunt. I would suggest, address the behaviour directly, succinctly and without judgement.

    Talk as if they’re an alien and don’t understand our culture, and you have belief once they understand they will step up. But say it as plainly, in the least amount of words possible. Don’t leave room to debate, just straight plain facts. This causes this. Please don’t.

    Ask how you can help them be more effective in positive engagement.

    On a personal note it’s always a good idea to listen to the messages your body is giving you, those emotions are a need your body has, it isn’t about anyone else, it’s about your lived experience and how comfortable you are in your environment. Times you haven’t felt safe can be a trigger for you in the future, and then bullies words hurt more. If you feel you have unhealed trauma or a low sense of self and self worth because the world in general has chewed you up, (which it does so often it’s almost a universal experience) find and build on yourself in those areas. It doesn’t minimise that the bullies are harmful, just utilise their efforts to find places you can up skill and heal, if they are being highlighted for you. They still suck. You just take what they give you and turn it into a tool to build on yourself and build yourself up. Be genuine, curious and open and deep dive on your feelings. Eventually, after studying what’s freely available out there and uplevelling your sense of self, you start to see all of the bullies behaviours are entirely about their own broken insides and damage. It’s really hard to be upset by words from someone you pity.

    Avoiding toxic environments is a better way to live. Finding ways to make that environment non toxic is a good life philosophy. Do your labour laws already have protections built in to protect you from psychological abusive type behaviours in the workplace?

  • All we have to do is unite. There’s more of us than them. And we don’t even have to protest or leave our homes. They all bow down to the mighty dollar, all we have to do is plan not to buy from ‘company A’ unless they ‘insert world fixing demand that they’re currently doing the opposite of’ ’ knock them down one by one. We could even pool together a dollar or two each, that’s all we’d need if we got enough people together and buy ourselves our very own Politician!! We may even be able to buy them all back… That’s probably pipe dreams. We need to make Poole’s union.

  • LavaPlanet@lemmy.worldtoFunny@sh.itjust.worksBrutal
    9 months ago

    People tend to take out of shows what they want it to say. It’s very consistently acknowledged, House is an asshole. People are openly terrified of becoming like him. They consistently work to fix him. So he’s not like that. That said, I love House, I’ve been watching it repeatedly since it aired. I still find new layers to the subtext and relationships of the show. And the reason people tried to help House, not be like he is, is because he has a richly developed character with deep endearing empathy and sympathy for others, he consistently puts others before himself, sometimes risking his own life, just to save someone else. He might say the asshole thing, but it’s calculated and planned for a good outcome, he might be helping someone face an uncomfortable truth that will ultimately save a life. Like how he spoke to the family of the guy in the wheelchair who pushed himself into the pool. He needs answers that politeness wouldn’t allow, like the guy who refused to admit he was taking steroids. But was. He thinks his meanness is purposeful, even towards his team. He has that old school boomer gen attitude of toughing people up to motivate them. Which, during his character growth he comes to realise isn’t right. He deeply cares about the people closest to him. Often giving them kind and endearing comforting words when they need them. He is a balance, and he is in a lot of pain. Even the kindest person is a bit of an asshole when in constant pain. The show is a little dated, in the sense that we as a society have realised those jokes are beneath us and we strive to be better, so don’t make those references that hurt others when we realise. But there’s not too many spots like that, it does well for its age, mostly.

  • Yeah, those poor 90’s kids were dealing with some unacknowledged or untreated intergenerational trauma, parenting, a cycle which they’ve been working on breaking. It’s really hard to have emotional regulation and not take out your feelings on someone else when you have no pre frontal cortex development, yet, and you’ve never had that exampled for you, by parents. Not having a go at you, at all, or refuting you, your statement is entirely true, they (we) were assholes at times. I just find the second half to that story hugely uplifting.

  • I’m not sure if in Maths teachers imaginations, there’s a James bond of maths, out there, and to save the world he has to divide by pi. (in which case they’d pick someone who actually likes maths, anyway) Or, they imagined, either we all collectively or just one of us, has a save the world moment, and it involves solving some maths thing. I don’t think they were quite the heroes they imagined themselves. Or maybe they are and this is all out there, and we just don’t even hear of it.

  • Famously, the blue guys in Australia, defund our public infrastructure, go ‘oh no, broken now, have to sell, only private peeps can run this / it will run better / for everyone’s best interests’ (simultaneously pats themselves on the back for bringing money in, even though that thing they broke, brought money in, until they broke it) also, spoiler, they sell the things to thier mates.