• 13 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: April 1st, 2024


  • LustyArgonianMana@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldSo much love
    11 days ago

    Most people consider comments about their physical appearance to be intrusive. Bodily autonomy is a pretty common value. No one is entitled to controlling another person’s body. No one owes you anything, including niceness when you violate a common boundary.

    Telling a woman you prefer anything about her appearance when she didn’t ask you is creepy, especially if she is communicating she is not interested in the male status quo opinion and that’s what you are pushing. “You’d look better if you’d just smile,” isn’t a nice compliment. It’s a controlling asshole thing to say, and shows your male entitlement. Just like calling a woman uglier after she cuts her hair.

    Women in particular do not want to hear from men their opinions about looking like a woman, because a lot of times they are unaware of what they are demanding. The OP could have chosen to cut her hair because she has cancer or lupus, for example. Or most likely, she KNOWS men prefer long hair already and has her own reasons for choosing short hair. Maybe she wanted to look more appealing to women by emphasizing her jawline, for instance. Or sometimes, looking a little different can be more interesting anyway to others if that is what she’s concerned about.

    In any case, yeah, most compliments are indeed creepy. Do you understand what women mean when they call a man creepy? They are calling him a hunter. They are saying he’s being predatory to them. Invading their emotional boundaries is one aspect (invading their emotional boundaries to comment on physical appearance), narcissism is another (laughable hubris that they even know what would look good on women when they don’t understand hair or makeup or clothes for women), and last is controlling behaviors/objectification (feeling entitled to treating women like a doll to dress up).

    So yeah, incels are admitting it themselves - all compliments are creepy when used by predators, yeah.

    Here’s an article about Dustin Hoffman’s epiphany about trying to be a woman, from 2013. Btw when women say they feel alienated from leftist spaces, this is what we mean - we are talking about some REALLY REALLY basic feminist theory here and you all haven’t caught up at all. Gee, why are women creeped put by predatory men in leftist spaces when they don’t understand the basics of objectification and Feminism… https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/news/dustin-hoffman-tootsie-interview-women-b2268100.html

  • Thanks, here’s another article about this:


    The process of sabotage begins with physical modification of the pager or personal radio. These devices already contain all the essential components for an explosive device: a power source — the battery, a container — the device casing, and a triggering mechanism —the communication circuitry. The addition of a detonator and explosive charge converts them into remote-controlled bombs. A microcontroller is typically embedded within the device to interface with its circuitry, allowing it to detonate in response to external signals.

    “The triggering mechanism for these devices relies primarily on radio frequency signals, as both pagers and walkie-talkies operate on radio frequency bands. In the case of pagers, a unique radio frequency signal can be transmitted over the paging network. The modified pager, programmed to listen for this specific signal, activates the detonator when the correct frequency and signal pattern are detected.

    “Similarly, a walkie-talkie can be set to a predetermined channel and frequency. When the matching radio frequency signal is received, the microcontroller closes the circuit, triggering the explosion.

    “To ensure precise activation, the microcontroller can be programmed to recognize a unique sequence of tones or signal modulations, minimizing the risk of accidental detonation. This setup requires careful pre-programming and maybe signal testing, often involving encryption or authentication sequences to prevent unintended triggering.

    “The combination of radio frequency signals with an embedded microcontroller enables remote activation. It takes a high level of technical expertise to modify these low-tech communication tools into sophisticated remote-controlled weapons.”

  • Anyone else confused about how these bombs are actually detonating? Articles say they are detonating via a text message sent 3x in error, theoretically causing either a spark or a “closed circuit” like a different article explained. The article (from al jazeera) says they have to look at the message but there’s video of one igniting in a bag.

    I’m curious because I think these pagers may actually constitute a public safety risk, similar to how heavily landmined areas risk exploding even decades later on someone unrelated to the initial conflict.

  • You’re incredibly uneducated to be making the claims you are.

    Racism in the US south against black people looks different than racism in the midwest/Western states against Native Americans because the goals of the racism were different.

    The govt wanted to grow the black population so they could have a huge workforce to take from. Explicit racism helps a lot with this, because it’s declaring people black and enforcing that they are less than and deserve to be a lower class. This is probably what you mean about how racist the south is.

    For Native Americans, the govt’s goal is to take their land and destroy their claims to land - they want LESS Native Americans. That’s why colorblindness is the racism in the midwest and west. That is also why those areas HATE Latino people, even though those people are generally just Native Americans who speak Spanish. That’s why you hear stuff like “We speak English here.” That’s why old John Wayne movies were the way they were. That’s why we had those Native American re-education schools. That’s why we killed so mamy buffalo (to starve them) and the Great Plains to this day has never recovered fully from how many millions of herd animals were killed. It’s why, TO THIS DAY, Christian organizations will adopt Native kids to explicitly white Christian families. It’s why the Mormons are in Utah. It’s why most Native reservations are in extremely inhospitable places (look at the Navajo lands versus nearby in Hatch, NM - the Native people would have lived near Hatch, near water, but we took that from them and gave them barren soil - to kill them).

    The racism against Native Americans is like smothering and starving a baby to death, whereas the racism in the south is more like screaming//beating at a baby to depression/“submission”.

    Rec reading: Conquest: Sexual Violence and American Indian Genocide by Smith, Andrea

    Old cowboys used to cut Native women’s labia off and put it on their saddle horns to play with. The west is racist too.