Oh man I jump around games all the time. I just finished God of War like a month ago after about a year because I’m always trying something new haha
Oh man I jump around games all the time. I just finished God of War like a month ago after about a year because I’m always trying something new haha
To be fair I think Excel is faster to get a novice up to speed than teaching them to program
Source: Manage SQL database infrastructure for a living
Still probably not. The code also deleted files, deleted accounts, and created infinite loops which took down large chunks of the network and infrastructure.
You could take your code, but you can’t take down the company.
I think a lot of people are still stuck in the HDD days where windows could take 15-20 mins for a cold boot.
But I only sleep windows because I like to get game updates while I sleep.
I only use chrome for my work stuff, and that’s because I work with g-suite a lot.
Chrome fucking sucks
1930 is chosen and is generally recognized as the cutoff for vintage cars
By who? I’m a big car guy and have never heard someone say a car has to be near 100 years old to be vintage. Most laws here in the states say 30. This is the only real source I could find that agrees with you but then it goes on to disagree with itself so idk.
Personally, I’d say “vintage” is 1950s and into the 1960s. I would say the C1 Corvette is “vintage”, but the C2 is “classic”.
Child Sex Abuse Material.
Basically (and usually) child pronography.
I did this with a google home mini. I could not get it to work correctly, got mad, threw it at a wall, and put it in a box.
A few months later I found it, plugged it in, and it works perfectly. Except the strange rattle if you shake it haha
That’s because the official instructions say to install it through snap. Which is just snap install blender
. You may have problems with flatpacks (I don’t to be fair) but that might be outside of the scope of this comment. Or just go to the app store and download it haha
And if you really want to install the deb package there are instructions to add the PPA.
Oof GTK is probably one of the worst dependencies you can try and port to Windows.
What I’ve done in the past is use something like Onno Setup which can call a script during install.
Or, and this is new to me, use the Official tools to build a package for windows on whatever Linux distro you are on. From what I’m reading, it should package GTK with it.
Man do you remember how heated the “PlayStation vs Xbox” arguments used to get ?
I guess it depends on what you define as “basic SQL”. Because most people are already used to working with desktop apps, and familiar with the office programs specifically.
You’d essentially have to teach them programming. Its like when people say “terminal is better than GUI” (it’s me, I say that) but then you forget about all of the people who don’t know the difference between a desktop and a modem