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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 24th, 2023


  • So I understand the first one, if you don’t want an app open handling them. I still usually just open email or calendars when I want to check them, and close the tab again after, but also don’t have a job that requires me to constantly monitor them.

    The second point I guess I do as well in short term, but more whatever I am actively, currently try working on. I’ve never needed a long term organization for that, though, since it was always more like having several loose leaf papers spread on my desk and less like putting multiple bookmarks in a book and coming back to it over several hours or days. If there’s no need to use it in the next 20 minutes or so, I just bookmark and close it.

    The third I just really don’t grok. Maybe I just really need a tidy browser workspace, but I usually have one, maybe two tabs open at a time when I’m not actively using them and referencing between them. I dont have any tabs that can be forgotten, because I close them immediately after I use them and no longer need them right now.

    I guess it is no different than having bookmarks for everything, except I can hide those. I just hate the “look” of a bunch of tabs open (as a personal preference).

  • It’s a game that’s meant to be played multiple times, since you can’t experience everything in one playthrough. I agree it can be frustrating when something gets locked out as easily as a failed roll, and that often causes choice paralysis in myself while I play, but you need to go in with the mindset of not being able to complete everything the first attempt (or you’ll go insane).

    I hope you can try the game again in the future and enjoy it! Maybe having several plays going at once and save scumming at choice points so you can use the same character for most of the options!

  • That’s a little unfair, because enjoyment of something doesn’t necessitate it being experienced from beginning to end in a linear progression. Something like the seasonal(?) content on No Man’s Sky often requiring a save file being restarted and not needed the main story to be completed to finish the new objectives. Or, something like Path of Exile, where each season progresses from a fresh start at level 1, with no progress carried over.

    Progress gets rest on those about as frequently, it not more so, than the resets in Star Citizen, except those games are also feature complete with a full story involved.

    Maybe something like Ark, then, with the creation of new servers. No real story being progressed through, but a multi-player sandbox environment. Again, though, that’s a feature complete game where all the systems (mostly) work.

    I guess where I’m going is that you can certainly look at individual elements of the game and compare those to similar systems in other games. And if expectations are of it being a sandbox you can mess around in and experience some cool systems, it will deliver. But it is not a finished game that has persistent player driven progress. It is not a game with a story path you can follow (though, I don’t think it claims to be once fully released, either). It is buggy at times and suffers server issues as the small changes and interactions build up over time, making an instance unstable and eventually kicking everyone logged in.

    “Demo” might be the closest description, but that doesn’t quite capture the experience of playing it. It falls very short of being a full game. It also is something that other games just don’t capture the same feeling of.

    Again, I’m not trying to convince anyone to spend any money towards it, but absolutely give the free fly events a chance.

  • “Complicated descriptions”? Is there a lamp on one side, or a closet door? Just use that as a frame of reference, I wouldn’t call that a complicated description. Or, if you usually have the same bigs-poon, little-spoon orientation, you can describe which shoulder you’re laying on. But I still think using features of the room is the simplest way. “I’m laying on the closet side.”

  • Mesophar@lemm.eetomemes@lemmy.worldShut up mike
    2 months ago

    Context is very much key, too. Asking “How do I [do this thing that is well documented]?” on a forum just comes across as lazy and wanting information spoon fed. Asking the same question in a Discord server of friends seems more like looking for connection and the personal experiences of the firends.

  • Mesophar@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlcan't make this shit up
    2 months ago

    This isn’t hating on raw food movement, this is like having a water main break and being advised to boil and/or filter water before drinking it.

    A lot of dairy cows are infected with a new virus. Raw/unpasteurized milk has a greater chance if transmission to those consuming it. Recommended to refrain from consuming raw milk until there is no longer such a high rate of infection…

  • There was certainly a fad for going gluten free as a fad there for a while, but I haven’t really encountered any of that crowd in a bit. However, I definitely have friends with celiac disease and/or gluten allergies.

    While any sweeping claim is better when backed by data that supports it, I dont think this particular case is a hill I’d die on.

  • Other comment made great points on MintOS and PopOS for beginning a Linux journey.

    SteamOS isn’t available for a full PC release (that I am aware of), but Bazzite was made to be a full-distro alternative to SteamOS. I haven’t tried it myself yet, but it has good reception from what I see.

    Linux Mint is very easy to pick up, though, and I highly recommend for someone coming from Windows. It is fully functional through GUI and has several different flavors for the desktop environment. I’m a fan of KDE, but Cinnemon was also very nice. A version of KDE Plasma is what SteamOS 3.0 uses. I’m not as big of a fan of GNOME, but a lot of people love it as a mor elegant, modern desktop environment.