• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • MrBubbles96@lemmy.mltoLinux@lemmy.mlLinux Boomers
    6 months ago

    So basically, “they’re trashing KDE, Gnome, SystemD, etc, so I’m gonna trash XFCE/MATE/GRUB/anything that isn’t the latest bleeding edge stuff?”

    Cuz that’s what i get outta that whole, article…that and that you really, really like to swear.

  • While I am impressed that No Man’s Sky pulled a 180 in the end and I doubt they’ll repeat the same mistakes with this, a dose of some skeptism is always healthy.

    Also, doesn’t hurt to check what the thing looks like at release–we just had The Day Before pull the ol’ switcharoo on people, after all–and how it plays when it’s out before making a purchase (looking right at Cyberpunk the game vs Cyberpunk the game that was pitched to people, here…no amount of “it’s better now” is gonna bring the game that was hyped up before release/used “Work in Progress” as a shield to life. Not without a complete rework. Could also apply to the above The Day Before too). By all means, believe that the devs learned, I really hope they did, cuz as a Fantasy junkie, this looks like something I’d really enjoy…but also be at least a little cautious in what you’re gonna throw money at

  • This so much. It’s like, you’d think when you shell out cash to pay for a license (or well, I did anyways. But tbf, most PCs you buy come with a valid license), you’d at least be entitled to do as you will with your copy of the OS (within reason, i mean. Yeah, less than legal stuff, go off Microsoft, but stuff like settings and such?) But, well…Microsoft just loves telling you “you opted out, but what you REALLY meant was to opt in. Source: because we say so” with basic settings, not surprising the do it for an OS…of course they would. My bud said it best at the time: they don’t care how you gain it, they just want everone to be on Windows 10

  • Two things made me leave. Both having to do with Windows.

    1. Microsoft themselves.

    2. My Windows install was just…bad. I’m not sure how else to describe a Windows that frequently crashed and just gave up and Blue Screen. Sure, both probably happen to any normal Windows install (well, the 1st thing. If you get the second, yeah that’s a problem)–but not at the frequency it happened with mine, I’m sure. Besides that, it was slow for no reason (AFAIA, anyways) and doing anything took a while. Yeah, I eventually reinstalled it after some hassle, and after that it was just slow, but then i made the fatal mistake of trying Windows 11 and was like “if this is what I’m eventually ganna have do deal with…no thanks.” Tbf, Microsoft was promting it, so i assumed it was an upgrade to Windows 10, not a wannabe chromebook with some baffling “lets fix what isn’t broken and works great as is” choices.

    Well, thinking about it, there was a third reason i ususally neglect to mention:

    1. I had a choice. I like looking at all my available options and choosing what to go with instead of having something chosen for me. I’m a big boy and can make my own choices for myself, thank you (looking right at you there, Bill). As soon as i heard “there’s something else besides this or an Apple Product. And it’s much better than some people like to give it credit for” i researched a bit on the differences, the requirements, and a good place to start, and well, here I am.

    As for what I am, IDK. I’m a happy Linux user, but i also get some people are perfectly happy Windows users (or aren’t, but are locked into the ecosystem regardless) and hey, as long as we agree that both OS’s have their quirks, you let me keep my penguins, and I’ll let ya keep your…erm, Windows (does Windows have a mascot? I doubt it, but you never know)

  • Oh I know it can be installed, but after the headache I got re-installing 10 once before and then trying to get 11 running on…anything, really, i just decided “you know what? What will be will be at this point. I’m not gonna need it for much anyways.” when i finally got 11 to accept and install into a random external drive that i never really used (it didn’t like the one i had inside my PC reserved specifically for it. Somehow…).

    (Note: this was a while back, so installation could be a helluva lot better now and i have upgraded a bit since then but, shrug. Already got Windows ready to go on a drive, and only have it because I might need it moreso than me actually wanting to have it, so meh)

  • That is…true, actually. The longer I use Linux, the more I’m like “…but what if, man, what if I ditch Arch for Fedora or NixOS or give Pop_OS! another chance (and i very well might when Cosmic launches)?” And sometimes I do…and then always come crawling back.

    Going back to Windows full time ain’t even crossed my mind for a hot minute. Partly because i have a spare driver running it for emergencies (that i barely use anyways, only because Windows literally runs one important app that I need, that I can’t run on Linux), and partly because going back means being stuck with Windows 11 again, and I really dislike Windows 11’s design choices, personally (and Microsoft in general, but i digress).

  • Arch + XFCE on my desktop. Have been for a while now, and everytime i try something else, I always come back to it. For my laptop, I’ve been using Gnome + extensions (Arch as well. That way I don’t gotta switch gears and remember two different sets of commands) before i had to take it in for repairs. Was pretty good because of the mousepad gestures IMO.

  • Then nothing will ever improve or get done, because perfection is a myth that varies from person to person and even at it’s base definition (the quality or state of being perfect: such as freedom from fault or defect) is an impossibilty since anything created by man is gonna be as faulty as we are…and for those that choose to follow it, what happens is they become hard procrastinators, because they’re setting stupidly high standards for themselves or others that border on impossible to keep.

    There’s a reason why saying like “perfection is the enemy of good/ finished” and “aim for good, not perfect” exist.

    Not even gonna touch on morality. That’s a whole other can of worms I’m too exhausted to open.

  • EDIT: I can’t read, apparantly lol i read “I liked 10 more”. disregard this first bit. Oh no no, you misunderstand: I like Windows 10. Mostly because I have no strong opinion on Windows 7 and didn’t use anything prior to that (and because Windows 8 was…Windows 8) As an OS, it was pretty fine. My problem was microsoft itself (and well, the changes that 11 brought. The list of complaints was basically me going “you had a good thing with Win10, why the radical changes to something that worked well?”).

    I’ve also no delusions that Microsoft making controversial changes is gonna do much for Linux growth unless its something massive, like, “we can’t come back from this” massive–but that’s very unlikely to happen. I’ve said this dozens of times before, I’ll say it again: The only way Linux adoption will grow is if someone can walk up to Best Buy (or Browse Newegg/Amazon/whathaveyou), and walk out with a laptop or desktop with Linux already installed and ready to go + maybe a small tutorial like Fedora gives when you first boot up, since Gnome will probably be the default it comes with.

    The Steam Deck was a good first step, but if Linux wants adoption, they have to put out stuff that runs Linux out the box to well-known and used markets and brick and morter shops. Not in the back either, front and center where everyone can see it. Much like Chromebooks, people will get used to Linux and its quirks–but they have to be able to access it in the first place (and by that, I mean i could grab an HP laptop packing Ubuntu if i wanted to instead of one packing Windows 11, not being told “to use Linux, you have to first choose one of many distros that are out there, then go download an ISO file and burn it to a USB”)

  • I can think of a few reasons why someone would complain about Windows 11 without touching privacy aspect at all: the number of clicks you now have to do to get even basic things done because they messed with the context menu, and speaking about changing things that were fine before: the (lack of) file explorer Ribbon and the start menu, the ChromeOS looking layout they went with not being to most people’s taste, the need for a microsoft account to even use the thing (tho you can edit the Registry to bypass this and several other grievances, even some i mentioned…why not just have those as settings/options, just saying?) etc, etc

    Some of the above changes and then some + just how much of a pain it was to even upgrade to it were enough for me to move to Linux in the first place when i learned about it, so…yeah, I’d say it’s kinda bad when it made an (at the time, but you can argue I still am and I won’t despute it) tech idiot like me permanently move OS’s