Spaceman Spiff

  • 0 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • As awful as that is, the design of those dumpsters will always lead to this. To put the bag in, you must hold the lid open well above your head (and higher than many people can reach) while holding a heavy bag of trash, then lift it even higher to get it in. If you are smaller than average (e.g. a child), physically disabled, or just not an able-bodied adult, that becomes impossible

  • Breitbart on the mainstream, centrist posts. Most of it’s way further out there. I have no idea which ones are inauthentic shitposts and which ones are legit. They are way beyond Poe’s Law.

    But more important is when they show up on other instances. Everything becomes an argument, dragging down everyone and everything they encounter. This also can’t be solved by just blocking the communities on EH, it must be blocked at the community’s instance or our (the viewer’s) home instance.

  • There’s a lot of good info here, but there’s a missing piece to consider- Some TVs just aren’t sharp/clear enough to be used as monitors. They work fine as TVs, and may even work as a media center/Plex client/etc. But you will be unable to use them for e.g. web browsing in any real way.

    Unfortunately, the only real way to know this is to connect it and see.