• 104 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • The military is using Buddhist monks under their control to push an ultra-nationalistic extremism into politics (as seen elsewhere in the world). They basically used it in the years prior to the coup to incite ethnic conflicts and justify military actions in certain regions including Rakhine where Rohingyas live. They cited that instability as the main excuse to stage the coup after election victory of Aung San Suu Kyi’s party. This coup has been years in planning and execution when they realized they couldn’t win the election fairly under the constitution they wrote because of the popularity of Suu Kyi’s party.

  • I think the right skilled workers is the answer. You do know that Canada’s immigration policy is skewed to “skilled workers” typically (outside of the family migration qualifications). I have met plenty of skilled immigrants who are under-employed working outside of their qualifications here for whatever reason. Employers typically prefer Canadian or US work experience for instance. We have a shortage in construction workers and that’s partly contributing to the housing shortage on the supply side of things.

    What’s also been a LONG RUNNING problem in Canada is the lack of productivity gains which this article sort of mentions. It’s something prior governments couldn’t tackle, and Trudeau can’t seem to tackle either.

  • My comment was incomplete. While tumblr does a great job of stifling the average user’s ability to POST anything “sexy”, they seem to have zero ability to manage porn bots. I believe they are intentionally letting porn pots run free in order to sustain user base. Porn bots jumped again after they brought out new community standards last fall or early this year.

    If you’re just a porn consumer, it’s fine. If you want to post porn and you know how to evade tumblr’s detection schemes, it’s great for you.