A bad person can create a good product sure, doesn’t mean we need to support it.
A bad person can create a good product sure, doesn’t mean we need to support it.
Those are some pretty easy to answer questions?
You can often bypass the login requirement by changing you location, or removing everything after and including the ?
in the link.
Some who can’t see the above link might be able to see this one (same but without parameters).
Same reason suckerberg went full elon. It’s the gold rush of corporate greed with a conman at the helm
I was just summing up a concept I remembered from somewhere. If we’re going to get specific about it, it’s called Weber’s Law, there’s an interesting numberphile video about it about the rate of change, and our experience with different levels of stimulus where the required “ratio” to feel a difference remains the same, which essentially means it takes more to notice the more experiences we’ve had in total. It wasnt an anecdote either, it was a metaphor for that concept / law regarding life experiences. It’s a very real thing.
It being neurons reinforcing connections doesn’t mean there isnt a rate of change, and my example in no way implies there’s a hard drive (nor does Webers law)
Edit: it’s also interesting because it’s the answer to the question of “how much can they shrink the candy bar before we notice?”.
You have to dual wield them looped together, or else it’s just 2 mugs and not inconvenient.
Even holding the 2 mugs together at the same time looped in is less convenient, and they wont both sit straight. I stand by my choice
That works. I assumed in this challenge we cannot alter the inconvenience out. I could fix all those items in theory.
Every new drop in the memory bucket is proportional to all the memories in the bucket. Each new memory makes up less of the whole, making it seem like time goes faster. It’s a real phenomenon
Obviously the mugs. I can fill only one of those champaign glasses and still have a functional glass. A mug hanging on the handle of another, no matter which is filled, is arguably the least convenient item here
Let’s not pretend he didnt milk the whole “for humanity” thing and then quickly made plans to make it private.
You can have software with the word open it it, you should try not to make open source the core of your mission to scam people when you have no itention of doing that.
It feels so good he got wrecked.
The Cybertruck then became the right vehicle for me In 2024, a few months after my Model 3 lease ended, I knew I wanted to purchase my next car. Since the vehicle is technically for my business, it needed to be big enough for a specific tax code. The Cybertruck was the only one that fit the bill.
This is the real joke in this story. She bought it because they rigged the tax cuts in favor of musky and the auto industry. She’s dumb though, everything she is saving on expenses she dumped on the truck.
It’s supposed to be a reliable indicator of the most common chain of words that follow your chain of words.
There are enough chains of words on the internet to do impressive stuff. The problem is when you give it dumb chains of words or chains it made itself.
He changed the code since it last ran
“Look at these freeze frames of other people in the exact same position” /s
And that the costs are the same. Nets are likely much more expensive than living wages.
Theyll spend a billion so we dont get an extra million
I bet he learned more today than he did all of last year. One of us!
DJI voluntarily created its geofencing feature, so it makes a certain degree of sense that the company would get rid of it now that the US government no longer seems to appreciate its help, is blocking some of its drone imports, calls DJI a “Chinese Military Company,” and has started the countdown clock on a de facto import ban.
That sounds exactly like how Trump does business, tit for tat and quid pro quos… thats also why Zuck is acting out - gonna be a wild 4 years
That’s why theyre in a hurry to pay politicians to make it very illegal to do the same. It’s like incels making arbitrary rules to stay relevant.